Audio application in media
While I usually only “reconstruct” tracks and listen to em on end, it deserves highlighting the importance of #music in #combination with the respective scene it stems from.
(I already made a Playlist collecting some #instances where music and scene blend quite well.)
One such example can be found in “Koe no Katachi” [1] (spoiler!) Here the song (FRC) is used to underscore a key scene perfectly, by moving along the pace from “unassuming/tame” to “#heartwrenching” and “shocking”
However it is not only the music here, that paints the picture the viewer shall percept, the soundeffects, charactervoices and movement work in #conjunction to #amplify the intented effect
Oftentimes these keyscenes cause one to remember a certain music piece especially well, and bind the memory to a track one would otherwise glance over. (Which is especially jarring, if it is unreleased, or released in a state that /differs/ fom the version inshow....)
[1] It is advised to watch the movie BEFORE clicking either of the links,
as this spoiles a vital plot point !