Continued from previous post – Golden Valley Pilgrim Way

Day 2 (24.08.24 Tyberton to Peterchurch, via Bredwardine and Dorstone)

Warm and wet. Decide to walk with umbrella and not waterproofs. Fearing a long day, set off to make good pace. Lanes and footpaths, trying not to get shoes soaked in wet grass. As paths become more vegetated opt for parallel minor road, making good pace to where route and road join. Two minibuses of kayakers from campsite pass, I pause under shelter of a large oak tree.

Pass parkland with dispersed large oak trees and road presumably leading up to country estate, a junction with a bench where I pause, more dispersed large trees in land owned by nature conservation organisation. Then route leaves road following a nice series of paths to St Andrew church, which I follow umbrella in hand, resting under a tree during the heavier rain

Glad to find St Andrews open, rested, went barefoot, shoes and socks now very wet from grass.

A nice partly polished aggregate font, tapestries made by the communities and not to my taste the prominence given to Lord of Manor and a Sir knight who fought for king, preferring a gospel of equality and nonviolence. Some lovely stone carving above the entrance door and a blocked up external side door.

A short walk along road before a series of paths up the hill towards Dorstone. A farm with a friendly dog and a barking keep of my patch dog; final ascent very step with views back. As levels, a narrow path through tall wet crops soaking trousers, the rain having largely stopped.

A surprise, a lane and a neolithic burial chamber, sitting spending time, a few attempts of rain, car loads of people coming and going.

Then decent on easy paths with views across valley, to Dorstone, joining a busy road on approach to village, before entering churchyard. A lovely churchyard, with big trees and flowers in the grass. Before returning a quick walk to village hall which has toilets behind.

Lovely to find church open. A wooden altar-back of crucifixion and Peter with a key and another saint with sword (non-violence?). Interestingly as had been reading Peter Stanford book “Judas”, Judas appears in stain glass window of last supper with money bag on which 30. Spent time sitting in porch enjoying sunlight (now sunny), and dipping into church bible as rested.

Final section of day a series of paths to Peterchurch. Views, woodland, sunshine, and as exit woods and dropping, views of church spire. Arrive at end of huge funeral, visit village shop, finding vegan biscuits, noodles, crisps and fruit; return and sit at edge of churchyard enjoying afternoon sun.

A beautiful sandstone church, with ancient wooden doors; a great interior, a cafe area, an area for services with chairs and sofas, an unusual but appealing round barrel-like stone font and a bookshelf of great books; beyond an altar above which blue and starry heavens.

To be continued