Day 3 Golden Valley pilgrimage 25th August

Waking in early hours of morning, disturbed. Deciding to write final section of Golden Valley Piligrimage which walked on August bank holiday weekend, now a distance and fading memory. A blog.

Day 3, waking in Peterchurch, sorry to leave that space, sorry to leave before service, but needing to get started. A lovely sunny morning, with sunlight on sandstone and the enormous spire

picture of interior of St Peter church

view of St Peter church and graveyard

Picking up extra vegan food at village stores as head out on lane and path with climb to Peterchurch Well, before dropping back down to main road not much further along; a lovely route in morning sun, but feeling a large detour. The 'well' which is a spring used as water-supply for village, and therefore fenced off so unfortunately can't drink from it. It’s connection with history feeling important, but difficult to experience

tree with roots around large boulder in side of path

Crossing main road again, and river, and then along fields to Vowchurch.

As approach the village, path joins road, and then another path into back of churchyard of St Mary Magdalene. A lovely little church yard, looking wildlife friendly with it’s unmowed grass and old gravestones, and a lovely little church. Glad to find open, to sit, to see the font, although surprised to see at the altar three kneelers in prominent display celebrating king Charles, whilst on the wall an old plaque to some esquire.

view of church of StMary Magdalene and graveyard

Leaving the church along the road to the second church, this one larger, beside the river, entering it confronted with a picture of King Charles, but otherwise lovely church with beams, and although Sunday people setting up for a wedding latter. Sitting in the large churchyard where a bench amongst silver birches, before setting off again.

bench beneath silver birches with church of St Bartholomew in background

A walk along the road to the main road (where the common which isn't public is signposted). Crossing the main road, heading uphill initially a lane, then a track and then a path, through beautiful woodland and fields.

gate overwhich looking out of wood back down to valley from which came

Sad to see a tractor and forestry trailer in distance alongside chopped down deciduous trees at the edge of the wood. Path then once crossing this dip with fields, up through woods to the crest of a ridge, where views, and along the crest before dropping through the woods to the valley floor. Woods which contained areas of silver birch plantation.

 entering wood again after walking along crest of hill; a bridleway sign, and duchy of cornwall notice saying permissive path

patches of silver birch within wood

Leaving the woods, a very overgrown bridleway with bracken and nettles up to my chest, struggling along, as a deer came in the opposite direction, before startled by me and turning around. Exhausted and stung, decided to go to the footpath in adjoining crop stubble field, but glad to have seen the deer. Footpath leading to a road, where had been planting a wild flower bank and a hedge. The day now overcast and threatening to rain. The road to another series of footpaths, leading to the road into Madley, where happened to pass a Methodist chapel and see a service latter, which I would attend, meanwhile making my way to the beautiful parish church, which I'd visited on day 1 of the pilgrimage, and was to stay.

The church, lovely to sit in the side aisle area made into a chapel-like area, with carpet, plain glass looking to trees, an altar. Sitting reading bible available, meditating and praying, trying to fight off sleep, after days of walking. Then heading across to stables, relaxed on sofa, read, and ate. Returning and entering the crypt, a great little space, which I hadn't noticed earlier, with little windows, and chairs around, a little altar and icon, and huge modern colourful wall painting.

side aisle made into side chapel