This is going to be about a 4 day pilgrimage around Golden Valley (The Golden Valley Pilgrim Way) starting and finishing at Hereford Cathedral

Day 1

I arrived hour late as train was delayed by fallen tree in storms

Fetched some vegan food from Tesco and hurried of to Cathedral; where hurried visit left me loving the different chapels, crypt and main part, the font; and managed a couple of brief sitting in stillness despite hurriedness. Had water refilled and used toilets before setting off

Initially over old bridge, along river, backstreets and paths leaving the town. At the edge a park with paths cut through beautiful areas left wild and benches to rest on.

Leaving park behind and through the sheep fields with large trees. The abbey church visible; it’s bells start ringing, hesitating I make a detour to join the monks as they say their midday prayers, entering as they’d started.

Once reached road, rather than following, deviated from route and took footpath across crop stubble to church of All Saints

The church locked but nice to walk through graveyard. Continuing on paths a view to black mountains as rejoin the road further along, just before the route leaves the road once again. Up past a huge tree and through a wood into a valley with a house, climbing out again views of apple trees and green fields, wooded hills. Walking through a field of maize above my head, before crossing the road, another short path, the village, a horsechesnut tree and church of Eaton Bishop. The church closed for building work, but the graveyard beautiful and I rest and eat.

A green grassy track, then path through crop fields until Madley and big beautiful church which is open. Sitting, taking shoes of to walk barefoot, exploring, signing visitors book, pausing at altars and in pew, looking at the black and white paintings. As about to leave two people arrive and start putting flowers along aisle presumably for a wedding.

A long loop round to night stop, the direct road busy, and no direct footpaths, so route takes large loop. Feeling tired, footpaths through fields, grass, crops, overgrown, loss path few times and recover.

Towards end a orchard and then a chicken farm with all the poor chickens in sheds. A few more overgrown fields and tiny bit of busy main road and arrive at church St Mary Tyberton, raised above road, a graveyard and a red brick church. Inside a surprise elaborate box pews with seats encircling at the front and benches at the back. A dark wooden panelled wall behind altar with instruments of crucifixion. But a good place to rest for the night, power for phone, microwave, kettle. A place to feel the solitude, take advantage of a bible, as well as books carried, and porridge in the morning.

To be continued