How To Calculate The Next Move in Chess

In chess, the player with the white pieces always moves first, and the player with the black pieces moves second. The first player can either move one of their pawns or one of their pieces (rook, bishop, knight, or queen). After the first player moves, the second player can either move one of their pawns or one of their pieces (rook, bishop, knight, or queen).

If you are playing chess and it is your turn to move, how do you decide what your next move should be? You will want to consider a few things before making your move or you can use a chess calculator for your practice.

1. What is the purpose of your move?

Are you trying to checkmate your opponent? Are you trying to capture a piece? Are you trying to defend your pieces? Are you trying to put your opponent in a bad position?

2. What are the risks of your move?

Can your opponent capture one of your pieces if you make a certain move? Can you be put into check if you make a certain move?

3. What are the benefits of your move?

Will your move help you achieve the purpose you are trying to achieve? Will your move put your opponent in a bad position?

4. What is your opponent's next move?

You will want to predict your opponent's next move and then decide if your move is still a good idea.

5. What are the other pieces on the board doing?

Are your pieces working together? Are your opponent's pieces working together?

Once you have considered all of these things, you should have a good idea of your next move.