No, I didn't read today

Thanks for asking, but I did take an overlong nap. I could have been doing work outside, fixing the garage, the small but persistent leak in our koi pond, pulling weeds from the garden...I mean really anything that required any sort of minimal amount of physical exertion.

I choose sleep instead, I do that often. I had read quite a bit yesterday, but it was while downing about half a bottle of gin over a period of six hours. I found myself enjoying saying all the names in Fever. Place names, street names, proper nouns galore. All accented and waiting for me to pronounce in my least convincing Italian accent possible. It's fine though, only some dogs (three of my own, one on loan from my mother-in-law for the day while she was out taking my wife shopping in Lancaster) were subjected to the performance.

There are details about my history that explain why I would attempt these pronunciations out loud, but it's already too late today to detail. I would like to go into it in the future, though. Tonight though I sleep like the dead, tomorrow we pick up two new goats. Naming them will probably eat up the remaining energy I have before my weekend is up.