解放遊 Liberationist Play

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還在英語獨立 TRPG 圈子的時候,我常常看見人家問:「你建議 TRPG 設計者該讀什麼文獻?」雖然有很多普通的政治文獻可以推薦,我是從來沒看過專門為了桌上角色扮演遊戲設計和遊玩寫的政治文獻。所以我就寫了一個。是我當初開始接觸 TRPG 的時候希望擁有的資源。

When I was still in the Anglosphere indie TRPG scene, I'd often see people asking: “What text would you recommend tabletop game designers to read?” Although there are a lot of normal political texts you could recommend, I had never seen any political texts specifically written for tabletop roleplaying games. So I wrote one. It's the resource I wish I had back when I first started engaging with TRPGs.