Journey to the Centre of the Centre: Prologue

Note: This story takes place in the Evil Science Center which, in real life, is a community on Tumblr where we roleplay as evil scientists. It's a lot of fun. Anyway, look over there for the context.

Dr. Asbjørn wakes up, lying face down on a couch in the room where the party happened last night.

Their glasses are smeared, their labcoat is stained with red wine, and they are still wearing the dress from their forcefem gas exposure yesterday.

“mmfff... note to self: don't mix the supervodka with wine. bad idea. bad, bad idea.”

They attempt to get up, but their legs give way and they fall flat on the floor. Unable to walk and with their lab on the other side of the centre, they have one option. They pull out their phone and activate the voice assistant.


How may I help?

“Locate nearest jumpstation”

Locating... The nearest ESC jumpstation is located 33 metres away, outside of Lab 2319.

“Thank you.”

Exit Mycroft

Dr. Asbjørn begins crawling in the direction of a blue arrow that has appeared on their phone.

Once they reach Lab 2319, they are greeted by a steel door, painted gunmetal grey and measuring just over a metre in height. Written in brass letters in the middle of the door is the word “JUMPSTATION”.

Dr. Asbjørn opens the door and climbs inside. They take a punchcard from a slot on the wall and punch out the number 273 in binary, before feeding the card into another slot and pulling a ripcord. A white flash illuminates the capsule. When it fades, Dr. Asbjørn is gone...