love sight

Bright and Dew met at Harvard two years ago, both in the same class. They hit it off, bonding over sports and hitting the gym for basketball or runs. Soon, they found more common interests – outdoor adventures, trying new foods, and exploring the city's shops and museums.

Despite busy schedules, their friendship grew stronger. Two years later, still best friends, they had tons of shared memories. One day, Dew asked Bright to meet his girlfriend and childhood friend from Columbia University. Bright, being the good friend he was, agreed right away.

Walking to the meeting spot, Bright felt a bit nervous. He'd never met Dew's girlfriend and didn't know what to expect. When they arrived, Dew introduced Bright to his girlfriend – a beautiful woman with flowing hair and a warm smile that relaxed Bright. Then there was Win, Dew's childhood friend. Tall, athletic, with styled hair and confident brown eyes. It was evident they'd been good friends for a long time.


Dew seemed to have it all – good looks, intelligence, wealth, popularity, and talent. And now, he even had a beautiful girlfriend to complete the picture. Bright felt a twinge of jealousy as he watched Dew and his girlfriend walk by. Despite his own good looks and smart brain, Bright always felt like he was lacking something. And now, seeing Dew with his beautiful girlfriend only reinforced those feelings.

But as he stood there, watching the couple walk away hand in hand, he couldn't help but feel like he was missing out on something special. Dew and his girlfriend walked ahead of Bright and Win, chatting and laughing together. Bright and Win followed behind them, feeling a little awkward as they walked in silence.

Bright didn't know what to say to Win, and it seemed like Win didn't want to talk either. They just walked side by side, watching as Dew and his girlfriend leaned into each other and continued their happy conversation. They looked so happy and in love, and Bright couldn't help but wish he had someone to share his life with.

As they continued walking in silence, Bright and Win felt a bit awkward around each other. The silence hung in the air. Win tried to break it with a joke, saying, “People in love stink,” but Bright didn't find it funny. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was the only one without a happy relationship.

At the restaurant, Bright stood in line with Dew's girlfriend while waiting for Dew and Win to pay. Nervous about talking to someone he'd never met, Bright hesitated. To his surprise, Dew's girlfriend was super friendly and easy to chat with. Before long, they were talking like old friends.

“Hi, I'm glad to finally meet you. I'm Bright.”

“Hi Bright, it's nice to meet you too. I've heard a lot about you from Dew.”

“Oh really? I've heard a lot about you too. Dew has told me what a great girlfriend you are.”

“Aw, thank you. Dew is a great boyfriend. I'm lucky to have him.”

“Yeah, he's a great guy. I've known him for a couple of years now, and he's always been there for me”

“That's so sweet. I can tell that you guys are really good friends.”

“Definitely. I consider him one of my closest friends. And I'm happy to see him so happy with you.”

“Thank you, that means a lot to me. It's clear that you and Dew have a really strong friendship. I'm glad to be a part of that.”

As they talked, Bright began to see what a great person Dew's girlfriend was. She was smart, funny, and kind, and she clearly cared a lot about Dew. Bright could see why Dew was so smitten with her.

After a while, Dew and Win returned with their food, and the four of them sat down to eat. Bright was happy to be included in their little group, and he enjoyed getting to know Dew's girlfriend and his childhood friend, Win, even better. -

As the night grew late, Bright and Win sat on a bench, smoking and watching Dew and his girlfriend happily chat. They seemed so deeply in love.

“I'm tired of watching them being all lovey-dovey over the years,” Win told Bright. Bright nodded, feeling the same way he did when he first met Dew and his girlfriend.

“It's a bit much, but also kinda sweet,” Bright replied.

“Exactly. Happy for them, but can't help feeling a bit jealous.”

“I get it. I compare myself to them and wonder why I'm not in a happy relationship like that.”

“Yep. But I don't want to rush into anything just to be in a relationship. It has to be with the right person.”

“Totally. The right one will come along when the time's right.”

“Hope so. In the meantime, happy to get to know you and chill like this. At least I'm not the only third wheel,” Win said, smiling at Bright.

Bright laughed, stomping out his cigarette. “Same here, Win.”