
Kvaesitso is an android launcher that is unlike any other, which means it isn't a pixel launcher carbon copy, unlike most alternate launchers available for android. It looks very new and refreshing. It has many standard features that are expected in a launcher like icon pack support, launcher theme configuration and widgets, along with advanced features available from just it's search bar, some of which are:

  1. Wikipedia search
  2. Calculator
  3. Unit convertor
  4. Contacts
  5. Calender
  6. Files (from phone or cloud services, including Nextcloud. Google drive, Dropbox etc.
  7. Search engine search (settings > search > web search (tap the text, not the toggle) > configure search engines)

In the app drawer, your pinned apps will be displayed at the top. You can pin apps by long pressing the app icon, then tapping the star button. Other features available from long pressing app icons are hiding the app, seeing the app's details in settings, uninstalling the app, sharing the .APK file of the app, launching the app and viewing the app's notifications.

Github repository: https://github.com/MM2-0/Kvaesitso

F-Droid repository: https://github.com/MM2-0/fdroid

Apk from MM20 repo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MM2-0/fdroid/main/fdroid/repo/de.mm20.launcher2.release_2022032400.apk

Apk from Izzyondroid repo: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/repo/de.mm20.launcher2.release_2022032400.apk

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