Morning Routines

It was already light inside; how could she still be snoring? Kirby looked around. Except the noisy birds, the damn squirrels, the talking walkers, and the scary-loud buzzing of the blowing machines, nothing else was up causing a commotion. In other words, a typical morning. So, like a typical morning, there was nothing to do but to settle back into the comfort and warmth of being snuggled in bed next to her.

“Hey, move over yeah? I can't sleep with you taking up the whole bed.”

Maybe there was enough time for a quick dream or two. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four...


“Make up your mind — are we waking up or sleeping through?!?” Kirby was annoyed. He'd almost fallen asleep and now it was too noisy with the alarm and Emily snoring right through.

“Ughhh. Is it morning already?” Emily's arm reached out from under the comforter and blanket towards the nightstand in search of her phone.


Emily's phone bore the marks of excessive abuse by a graceless oaf. She would hold onto it with two hands and still manage to let it slip through. Sitting on it was not unusual. Knocking it off her nightstand with here eyes closed — that was part of her morning routine.

So was the fumbling around on the wood floor, with eyes still closed and bumping her arm into the nightstand.


“Em, are you going to wake up? Shall we go eat something? Oh wait, I think the bathroom calls. Hey, wake up! Did you hear me? You gotta move over!” Kirby wasn't desperate — yet — but nature was yelling at him to hurry up.

“Kirb, ugh. Okay, okay, I'm awake.” She let out a big sigh as she sat up while he dashed off to get to the bathroom in time.

“Uh, little help?”



“K, k, k. Geez Kirb what would you do without me?”

Ahh. Kirby was so happy to make it in time to the tree in the back yard and pee. He turned his gaze away from Em, up at the blue sky, “Ah, what a wonderful morning it is! I know it's going to be a great day today!”
