The raspberry-blowing guri-guri mahu

— you don't understand, it's a balance of energy. when i thrust my fist fore and up to launch the ball, it requires an offsetting thrust in the opposite direction in order to direct the ball exactly where i intended it to go

— uh huh. you look like a girl with that backward leg kick

— and yet i've never landed the ball out of bounds and half the time i get a no-touch ace'

— you serve like a girl

— you're a girl but you don't serve like i do and you don't have the control that i do

— you should try to not kick

— i just told you why i kick

— but you look like a girl

— gender is irrelevant. look, it's my style

— mahu

— not what i said

— that's not a denial

— let's date

— you mean — air quotes — date

— and have sex

— you mean — air quotes — sex

— if i told you i'm not gay

— i wouldn't believe you

— hmm. maybe i should be gay then

— see, mahu

— [blows raspberries] let's get some guri-guri

— ha ha the raspberry-blowing guri-guri mahu
