
A hacxx release site.

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How to hack – A simple guide on a way to start hacking

1- Get a copy of yellow pages or use a search engine from yellow pages

2- Collect emails on a specific area

3- Visit https://exposed.lol/ for password

4- Find related sites. For example, a teacher most likely has the same password on a Moodle site.

Problem: Password re-use.

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How to hack accounts easily with stealer logs!

1- Start by downloading a stealer log (most popular is redline) Hacxx Crackingx Combo Collector – https://files.offshore.cat/84pZ0bq3.html

2- Download any log archive available

3- Decompress the archive to a folder

4- Open Hacxx Redline Logs TrailBlaze V3 – https://files.offshore.cat/YUTc7rts.html

5- Type the stealer log folder and select Passwords.txt

6- Confirm to open a search

7- Open the Passwords.txt and start testing emails and passwords

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Hacxx at Beam.gg

Visit: https://hacxx.beam.gg/

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AlpineReplay Database Leaked 27 August 2019

In 2019, the snow sports tracking app AlpineReplay suffered a data breach that exposed 900k unique email addresses. Later rolled into the Trace service, the breach included names, usernames, genders, dates of birth, weights and passwords stored as either unsalted MD5 or bcrypt hashes.

Read more: https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites#AlpineReplay https://breachforums.st/Thread-AlpineReplay-Database-Leaked-Download?referrer=197373

Contact: [email protected]

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Hacxx Underground at Superblog Cloud

Visit: https://hacxxunderground.superblog.cloud

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How to increase your social media presence?

This is a guide on how to increase connections or any other way to increase the number of followers on social media sites.

1- Start by registering an email at Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, AOL, and Hotmail.

2- Launch any of these apps and search based on the area you are interested in.

Link Exchange – Email Collector – https://files.offshore.cat/bhRj1YZr.html YouTube – Email Collector – https://files.offshore.cat/RuJ4oh4e.html

3- Collect the emails by copying all the text.

4- Open https://www.eel.surf7.net.my/ and paste your text.

5- Extract the emails and open your email client.

6- Compose a new email and paste the emails on bcc.

7- As a message, ask for a link exchange for example. “Hi, Are you interested in a link exchange?”

8- Do this for a few weeks to build a contact list.

9- Export the contacts into csv, etc.

10- Register on a social network like facebook, linkedin, etc

11- Upload your csv contact file and send invites.

12- Grow your social media network

13- Extract more emails and repeat

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Hacxx Website Archive – Free Download and Online Version

  • Submit any site for indexing. Only 100 sites per month.

Download: https://nitroflare.com/view/0A61F96DCDC7873/Hacxx_Website_Archive.rar

Use the tool online: https://files.offshore.cat/nCYUR6bq.html

Visit the gallery: https://hacxx-archive.imgbb.com/

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