A realization about conversation spoons

Today I realized something about why I feel so overwhelmed by communicating with people over text.

I have so many unread messages sitting in my Instagram inbox, my Discord DMs, my email... it feels endless and inescapable. And I know I'll never be able to respond to them (and the new ones that will inevitably follow) in a sustainable way. I never have spoons for this kind of prolonged conversation.

But I now know why these conversations require so much energy from me.

It's because of masking!

I have conversational flowcharts in my head. I reference them during nearly every conversation I have:

There are so many of these rules that I'm always trying to keep in mind during any social interaction. But when I look at that list all laid out this way, it's easy to see how exhausting that would become. It's easy to see why I would get overwhelmed and just drop it all.

But the thing is, usually the people that I talk with aren't neurotypical. They probably don't care if I do any of those things on my list. In fact, they'd probably be more comfortable if I didn't do them, because that would signal that they don't have to do those things either.

I'm going to try and keep this in mind. I'm going to try and explain this to some of the people I've been ghosting. Hopefully, I can stop resorting to my flowcharts and start relating in a more authentic way with the people I feel I can trust.