Is blogging just for tech journalists and recipe writers these days?

Remember in like 2001 when you could create a Blogspot account and just write random bullshit that was on your mind? Or you could write some long-ass Myspace content that was unnecessarily cryptic and referenced song lyrics we thought were deep?

Well, I kind of miss that.

Not the nihilistic narcissism and the pretentiousness, but the feeling that you could unknowingly find yourself in the midst of someone else's story. Not just their witty Tweets or filtered photos — but their story, told in long-form, in their own words.

These days, the closest I've been able to find are the rare YouTuber who dares to be authentic despite threats of demonetization or the apathy of the algorithm. Occasionally I'll find a web development blog I like.

But the stories I seem to be missing are the ones that tell stories of (mostly) unfiltered personal growth. Stories of ugly mistakes and the things we learn or don't learn from them.

And I want to write stories from my own life that I wish someone had told me ten years ago. Lessons that I wish I'd learned earlier. Or lessons I'm excited to be learning now.

What to expect from this blog

The goal of this blog is to share some of those personal growth stories as someone who's doing a fuck-ton of growing lately. You'll hear stories about common themes and topics that come up in my day-to-day life:

Along the way, I'm sure you'll hear a lot of other stories too. Hopefully some of them will resonate with you and who you are. Which brings me to my next heading...

Who am I?

TL;DR: I'm Shayn, a mixed-race agender person who grew up in a small town in Hawaii and recently moved to the PNW. I'm currently studying to become a full-stack developer. And I'm probably autistic.

Okay, that's it for now. Hopefully more soon.
