Human Is Some

a work in progress by Rob Middleton @[email protected]

Who Rob Middleton Humanist, Abstract Expressionist, Writer

Painting Gallery @[email protected]Link Hub • Online Hangout @[email protected]Donations & Art Purchases

What humanissome = human is some = humanism None of us has all the answers, but each of us has some. Human is some.


When No current schedule determined. This blog's feed can be followed by anyone on the fediverse @[email protected] or via RSS.

Why To serve as an online writing space for my humanissome project.

Ted Danson explaining to Maya Rudolph in The Good Place the complex moral consequences of buying a tomato. She's not impressed.

I disagree with the judge's conclusion. It is not possible or easy to weigh all the consequences of every action particularly within systems with high degrees of deception, manipulation, and inequality. I do not suggest that we are all free of responsibility either. It's a paradox. (Or maybe an incompossibility.)

The complexity of life inspires me to accept incompleteness. People die with fresh food in the refrigerator is my current memento mori. I know I will be unable to complete everything, unable to understand everything. That knowledge could frustrate me into giving up; or it can inspire me. Knowing that I'll never be able to do everything frees me from the burden of worrying about perfection. Except it doesn't. But it should, or it could. It might if I keep working at it.

Focus > Intelligence

Because I'm unable to accomplish everything, I am helped if I have a strategy for ordering my potential actions. tasks. My objectives. My goals. My desired

Order Of Operations, or OOO Order of OPerations, or OOP Attention management Focus Executive Function

ADHD (previously ADD) is the struggle of our age.

The focus of attention is > intelligence. Attempts to measure intelligence are controversial (define) [external notes: remove Command+i shortcut to mail within Vivaldi ✔️; contact projector lamp bulb company re: blinking (here begins an external foray into attempting to adjust the brightness / currently 2:15a / back at 2:19a after making adjustments that did not solve problem; may not be able to continue working)] [upload now as test to see if this platform uses any markdown or has any other formatting options] [back at 2:21a / ok it does so that's good to know and I just have to learn that language (later); for now I know how to do italics and bold; I think I remember quoted paragraph...]

My own experience at this moment demonstrates the very point that I am attempting to convey. Show photo of my setup, taken 2:25a on June 7, 2023. This minimalist blog and my physical writing setup have been selected for maximum concentration, and yet. And yet. Yet. The challenge of attention focus remains. I must work my way through a flickering screen, and other distractions, if I am to produce work.

It is my contention that there is a stronger correlation between attention focus management and success performance than intelligence as it is traditionally* identified. *customarily? typically? or another option?

[At this point my own focus is evaporating; I will take a break and either return to this entry, another entry, or leave the blog for now.]

Creativity vs. Discipline

There was a time when I felt I had genius(ish) insights and felt frustration that consistency outweighed competency (or quality, or “genius”)* as a predictor of success.

*Of course, sense˚ then I no longer believe in “genius” (& I've redefined success). ˚As one example of redefining recontextualizing reframing intelligence, typos are ok. Even ignorant misspellings. Even ignorance. Even so much that I used to hold onto as markers of intelligence. Now I find it more worthwhile to examine why I felt it was important to rank intelligence than to rank intelligence.

Having said all that there is a value in embracing the paradox held in the conflict of Creativity vs. Discipline.

somehow it's 3:57a now. the bulb is REALLY flickering. I think I'll stop. I did something at least tonight.

Eating for feeling When it feels good, when it feels how you want When it does not No matter hwat˚ it cannot be argued denied that it is a sensation. Like sexual stimulation, pleasure/pain, it's one of a few sensations we cannot doubt.

“Watch out for the munchies!” 70s cartoon:

“Man is a feeling creature...” Peter Graves in Roger Corman's It Conquered The World

Humans are feeling creatures who pretend that we are rational because it makes us feel better

The lack of certainty and objectivity scares the SHIT out of us!

Everything Is Meaningful Everything Is Meaningless

Feeling Good Being Myself

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