Daemon Daeva



We cry when our hearts become too full.

The tears escape through our eyes

Because our eyes are the windows to our soul;

Our souls are in our hearts.

Full of love, it overflows…

Soothing piano melody begins


“A star’s a star, though it burns in Hell.”

My child, my child, my silver bell.

Please don’t let those monsters come…

I gaze into a mirror darkly

Fearing what might emerge…

My drawers won’t close,

too full of crawling shadows

that sneak up on me when I’m doing fine.

My father scratches his head-

I fade away.

My mother wrings her hands-

I fade away.

I cannot face you, my dear,

I cannot face you, my friends.

My daemon keeps me on tenderhooks,

My daeva keeps me as prey.

Violin accompaniment joins


I am only a man, you see, you see,

I am only a man…



Go out, go out,

My daemon daeva, go out.

Guilt gumming up my mouth.

Come in, come in,

and let me sit awhile, let me begin

to spin a web, tell a tale,

wash my clothes in a watering pail.

It’s what we must do to stay awake

It’s what we must do to stay in our place.

Daemon, don’t come near...


He is going where no one can follow

A place never seen before

But we will all get there

One day, one day…

It’s a place we all must visit

Not a place to stay.


Beautiful body,

Beautiful heart,

Beautiful mind,

Beautiful soul,

These are all the things that make me whole...

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