A Course in Miracles Retreat UK

You are looking for fresh inspiration and deeper meaning in your life. You want to learn how to heal your relationships and live your purpose.

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a self-study spiritual thought system that combines profound spiritual teachings with far-reaching psychological insight. It has already touched the lives of millions worldwide. The Retreat

Join a global, diverse community of kindred spirits dedicated to spiritual growth and service. Discover new inspiration, greater direction and a deeper meaning in your life. Study with a supportive group of fellow students of A Course in Miracles, learn more about yourself through the Enneagram and support each other to choose love over fear.

During this 3-day retreat you will work with teachings from a course in miracles and the ancient self-awareness model of the Enneagram to heal fears, change your thinking, find joy and purpose in your life. Miracle Distribution Center Lecturer and author Beverly Hutchinson McNeff brings 45 years of A Course in Miracles experience to this intensive weekend of transformation.

Each month Hollie reads the Course’s lesson of the week in a 15-minute live class and offers a practice/meditation for that day. This is a great way to get daily inspiration and help keep you on track all year long! This is the only place where you can receive this daily guidance from a teacher of A Course in Miracles. The Teachings

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a three-volume set of spiritual teachings that consists of a Text, a Workbook for Students, and a Manual for Teachers. It is written in a language that is intellectually sophisticated and combines spiritual inspiration with profound understanding of phenomena such as belief systems, defense mechanisms, and perception.

While ACIM is a contemporary teaching, it draws upon the ancient wisdom of all major religions and is non-denominational. It teaches that the true purpose of life is to wake up to the truth about yourself, your relationships and the world around you. The teachings of the Course offer you a path to peace, self-realisation and forgiveness.

In a time when many are looking for meaning and healing, the Course has inspired a new generation of thought leaders, including Eckhart Tolle, Oprah Winfrey, Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer, as well as numerous study groups worldwide. Its ideas have helped millions of people to live with greater peace and happiness, to forgive and love more deeply and to heal the wounds of our past.

Join us for this unique 3-day retreat working with A Course in Miracles and the Enneagram to support you to lead a more purposeful life. You will learn how to use the Course teachings and the nine Enneagram points and types to overcome your fears, change your thinking, heal your relationships, and realise your inner purpose. The Accommodation

Nick is a long-time student and teacher of A Course in Miracles, an international spiritual teaching that offers a practical way to shift our perception from fear to love. The Course provides a synthesis of the teachings that lie at the core of the world’s religions, together with psychological insight. It is a life-changing study that has transformed the lives of millions of people. He is also the author of Holy Shift! 365 Meditations on the Lessons of A Course in Miracles and a member of the Miracle Network. He hosts the Everyday Miracles 2022 online membership community. Everyday Miracles is a safe, loving space to help you stay on the Course all year round. The Activities

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is a self-study system of spiritual psychology which combines profound spiritual teachings with far-reaching and practical psychological insight. This teaching has already touched the lives of millions.

Nick discovered ACIM in 1984 and has spent the last 30 years immersed in its principles. He has facilitated thousands of group meetings and spent many hours counselling people with long-term life improvement challenges.

He is the author of Holy Shift! 365 Meditations from A Course in Miracles and is a Patron of the Miracle Network. He is also a qualified counsellor and an ordained interfaith minister.

In addition to his online ACIM classes, he offers retreats in the UK and overseas. These include weekend, all-inclusive and day retreats in beautiful and tranquil locations.

These are designed to deepen your understanding of the Course’s principles and to bring you back into your natural state of peaceful and conscious awareness. In this state you are open, clear and lucid; you neither reject nor cling to anything. It is sometimes referred to as ‘blue sky meditation’ and comes from the meditative tradition of Dzogchen – which emphasises resting in a natural state free from conceptual elaborations.

This enables you to recognise the presence of God in everything and allows you to experience an awakening to the joy of living. You will learn to recognise the divine within yourself and the world around you, and find freedom from fear and suffering.

AUTHOR: JAZZY EXPERT – Search Engine Optimization Team Head at Linkedin