Khrushchev's World War II Soviet Gas Attack, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Uranus

While reading a Wiki article about Cold War Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, I came across this interesting passage about his military service in the Great Patriotic War (edited for readability):

Khrushchev “proposed a counterattack, only to find that other generals had already planned Operation Uranus, a plan to encircle and destroy the Germans. Before Uranus was launched, Khrushchev spent much time checking on troop readiness and morale. After Uranus forced the Germans into retreat, Khrushchev served on other fronts of the war.”

What made Uranus so powerful that it could defeat the Third Reich? Did it have anything to do with excessive consumption of Taco Bell value meals? Most importantly, is Preparation-H now the moist ointment that greases the wheels of diplomacy in the post-Soviet era?