the results are in

The vet, Dr. Fulcher, called me this afternoon with the histopathology results. It is a mix of good and neutral news.

It was determined that the tumor was consistent with a locally invasive cancer that has the potential to spread other places (most often to the lungs), though less than 50% of masses like this actually metastasize.

The mass that was sent off for testing was sectioned into five samples. It was determined that all malignant cells were successfully removed in three of the five samples. However, the remaining two were inconclusive.

These results are a huge relief, even with their uncertainty. Speaking with the vet there really isn't much to do now except regularly check her for new growths. We could do a chest x-ray at this point to see if she has anything in her lungs, but it wouldn't really change our course of therapy at this moment. Given Bernie's age and current state of health (which is otherwise fantastic), any possible intervention would just degrade her quality of life (which she has in spades).

I have spent the last few weeks mentally drawing every worst-case scenario decision tree that I can conceive of. This news falls well outside of what I feared. Exhale.

I have decided, at this point, to forgo the x-ray, so that I can focus on Bernie's overall health and happiness without the anxiety of what-ifs that can't be managed. Dr. Fulcher agrees that this is the best approach. Bernie is well into her geriatric years and still behaves like a puppy, given the right circumstances. On her worst day, you might think she was middle-aged.

It only makes sense to me to let Bernie lead the way.

Thank you so much to everyone who has reached out, offered listening ears and lending hands. Thank you for you thoughts, vibes, prayers, and all the ways you set out to move the universe to our favor. It means the world to me. And to Bernie, even though I can't adequately explain it to her.

She just knows she is your friend, even if she's never met you. Because Bernie is absolutely everyone's friend. That's just how she functions. That's the joy she brings me every minute I get to know her.

I'm just happy I get to keep knowing her for awhile longer.