In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, there was a singular green planet known as Forestia. Entirely covered in an enormous green forest, this world was astonishingly one interconnected living organism. Between these trees flowed numerous interconnected rivers that were intrinsically alive. No animals inhabited Forestia; it was solely home to the thriving, breathing forest and its life-giving rivers. For eons, Forestia remained a serene realm. However, everything changed when extraterrestrial beings arrived and began indiscriminately chopping down trees and establishing factories that polluted the once pristine waters. The planet suffered greatly under this onslaught, and in response, the forest and rivers defended themselves. Tree branches assaulted the aliens while vines entwined around their bodies, applying immense pressure until they succumbed to their fate. Water from the rivers began flooding the lands, drowning the invaders. Ultimately, the aliens retreated from Forestia, and peace was restored. Yet, the pollution persisted for a protracted period, taking years before this unique world could purify itself once more.