Imortel 10.000 BCE Chapter 1 Part 1

Writing about such an intriguing invention. Finally I managed to learn it. Now, I can record all of my memories so that I don't forget everything I have experienced. So where do I begin? It was a long time ago – perhaps 7000 years or more; I cannot recall the exact number of years.

What I remember is that I used to be an ordinary human once, losing my parents at a young age and having to survive on my own. I would steal food and resources from others. Even as I grew older, instead of joining a hunting group or gathering food myself, I continued thieving instead. I was too skilled at it; they never caught me.

Until one day, they did. I remember them chasing me with spears and dogs until they drove me to the edge of a cliff. I recall trembling not from the cold wind that touched my skin but out of fear because I knew this would be my end. Either I'd be captured and executed or fall off the cliff. As I took another step back, afraid, and they approached me, I began to fall. I cried and prayed to my god Jerah for help until I hit the ground. Then darkness enveloped me.

#fantasy #fiction #writing