Maid Robot Part 3

Part 1 Part 2

Anna sprinted through the scrapyard as a massive robot followed closely behind her. It was responsible for recycling old robots and had taken notice of her reactivation. Desperate, she increased her speed in search of an escape route.

Eventually, she spotted a towering pile of deactivated robots and parts, reaching the top of the wall that is surrounding the scrapyard.. Anna's agility and swiftness, developed while working as a maid bot for a family with children, allowed her to scale the wall effortlessly.

The large robot struggled to follow suit, its bulk impeding its progress. As Anna reached the top of the wall, she found herself facing an immense drop on the other side. The high wall made it impossible to climb back down safely. She walked along the edge, searching for a point where she could descend without plummeting into the depths below.

After some time, she discovered her salvation: metal crates stacked precariously atop one another on the other side of the wall. Anna carefully climbed down using these makeshift steps and finally managed to break free from the scrapyard's confines.

#Sci Fi #Sci-Fi #fiction #writing