Sara in the Desert

Sara found herself lost in the unforgiving desert for days now, unsure how many days it had been since her helicopter crash-landed. Her water supply dwindling, she knew that without help, she wouldn't survive much longer. As the sun began to set after another scorching day, Sara spotted something resembling an oasis in the distance – a mirage, perhaps, but it was all she had left to cling onto.

Desperate for water, she approached the apparent oasis. It appeared as a small lake with just one palm tree standing guard. As she finally stood at its edge, the sight seemed too real to be true. She cautiously knelt and dipped her finger in the water – it was cool and refreshing. The oasis was indeed real.

Sara tasted the water, discovering that it was delicious. She drank copious amounts of water, finally quenching her thirst completely. As she lay on the hot desert sand under the sun, a hooded skeleton appeared before her – death had come to claim her.