The boy and the sea

Once upon a time, there lived a young and adventurous boy named Tom who loved exploring the world around him. He resided by the seaside with his family, often marveling at the vast ocean that stretched before them. One day, as he played near the shoreline, a powerful storm hit, causing a massive wave to pull him out into the sea.

Tom's parents and siblings were heartbroken when they saw their beloved son disappear beneath the angry waves. They searched for days on end, but the unforgiving weather made it impossible for them to find any trace of Tom. Eventually, they had no choice but to return home, heavy with grief in their hearts.

Tom found himself clinging onto a log, adrift in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight. He drifted there for hours until a large boat appeared on the horizon. The boat came closer and closer until it reached him. A man aboard saw the boy and lowered a rope into the sea. Then he jumped into the water himself to swim towards the boy.

The boy was cold and shivering, but the man pulled him toward his boat, and then climbed up using the rope. With the boy on his back. Once on board, Tom was wrapped in a warm blanket. The young adventurer had been saved from the sea.

#fiction #writing #fantasy