A Quick Pixelfed Test via pixelfed.de

My main Mastodon instance is largely broken, I'm still recovering from something that put me in hospital for a few hours, and the current weather partially contributed to my hospital stay in the first place.

So I ended up testing Pixelfed out of sheer boredom.

I chose the second-biggest instance, pixelfed.de, and browsed for a bit until I realized that hardly anyone is engaging with each other and no one reacts to you liking or sharing stuff.

I dropped my first post – my second-favorite shot from this year's ecological observation season – and it immediatedly was marked as spam that will be evaluated by a human. After twelve hours, my post still is unlisted and the few users actually using this instance are busy staring their own profiles.

I then came across a blog post from a user posted in 2020 stating that this particular instance got a storage limit of 7 GB for each user. I checked my account and my first and only post already claimed 1% of the mere 4 GB (!) that are available to me, with no upgrade option whatsoever. I didn't manage to find any instance news that would explain why the storage limit got reduced, in fact, this instance pretty much got abandoned by its admin, as its last blog post dates back to 2022.

I deleted my account and stopped bothering with Pixelfed. Perhaps I'd get a little more out of my collection if I'd reactivate my abandoned account on mastodon.social – at least that one doesn't rely on a silly storage limit.