Sleep is not my friend.

Sleep hates me.

I don't know why, but it's obvious that it does. I on the other hand love sleep. I chase it with abandon and pray to Morpheus for at least 6 hours of dreams each night. I'd like 8, but I know better then to tempt fate.

But sleep, it avoids me. It toys with me. Teases me. Get's me to think that things are going well, when BAM! Only 4 hours of sleep a night for a week or two and then I'm lucky if I can get a nap in that day for maybe an hour. I drag my ass trying to get things done, but it's a struggle, and everything ends up feeling like a chore. Even the things I should be enjoying.

That is sleeps plan though. To wear me down day by day. Sucking the creativity and any amount of desire out of my spirit that it can get its ethereal hands on. It wants to break me.

But it won't. We've been doing this dance for too long. I know it's every move.

The fight will continue. I have my melatonin and my CPAP as my armor. It may win small battles, but it will never win the war.