2024 Anti-Trump, Anti-MAGA Action Guide

White House photo by Aaron Kittredge with Keep the Weird Out in read and black typeface

Things that matter that we can all do to thwart the weird ones.

Register to Vote

First time voters and voters needing to re-register for any reason can do so at Vote.gov. The deadline to register to vote varies by state and may be as much as one month ahead of the Nov. 5. Don't delay.

Check Your Voter Registration (Even if you think you don't need to.)

Before you do anything else, take a minute and be sure your voter registration is still current. Many states have new laws that make it easier to remove eligible voters from the rolls. It's worth taking a minute to be sure that you're not one of those voters.

Volunteer to Canvass and Get Out the Vote for Harris Walz 2024

Sign up to door knock, phone bank, and more. There are multiple opportunities to get involved every day of the week, with online and local events as well as action teams to join.

Support Democratic Candidates in State Legislatures

All eyes may be on the national stage, but the impact that state legislatures have on our lives is no less important. It's state legislatures that have banned abortion, banned books, restricted the rights of trans kids, required schools to post the 10 commandments in every classroom (Louisiana), restricted voting rights, etc. What's more, voters depend on state legislatures to follow established norms in certifying presidential electors. Marc Elias at Democracy Docket has been sounding the alarm about plans to subvert the certification process. Learn more about your state legislative elections at Ballotpedia and consider supporting the good work that The States Project is doing in key states for 2024.

Support Democratic Candidates in Swing States

Swing Left helps you quickly identify and learn about the most critical races where you can make the biggest impact. You'll find a donate button on each candidate page so you can take action without having to search or click away.

Know Your Judges!

We've all learned how important it is to elect judges who have integrity and believe in democracy. Now is the time to research the judges on your ballot. Try this excellent resource from Ballotpedia. Everything's in one place, with multiple ways to navigate to find the information you're looking for.

Support Democratic Candidates in Red States (No, really!)

It might seem like a waste to give money or time to candidates running in solidly red states or districts. But is it? Check out “We've been obeying in advance” with Michele Hornish for a different perspective and consider joining up with Every State Blue to fund and support red-state candidates.

Want to Go Deep? Work on the Harris Walz 2024 Campaign

With the short timeline and huge stakes, all hands on deck is an understatement. There are many opportunities available to work on the campaign and be part of a historic win.

See also: 2024 Anti-Trump, Anti-MAGA Election Preparedness

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