tree says hello
i see a friend the oak i helped bottle removed from the hollow missing branch.
i feel hello in my heart my heart hellos back.
i walk on sidewalk flat white. tree grows up down out arms in air brainy fingers underground brown cooling moving water feeding squirrels housing birds insects collecting transforming sunlight storing energy observing being. giant work silent unseen.
dream: i see an intensive care ward for plants. it's small, only five or six plants, each in its own isolation chamber. metal-framed boxes, glass walls, artificial light, climate control to suit each plant's preference.
put the weather in a box, put the box onto the bike, ride the bike around the world, until you get heard.
same night another dream: man puts a bomb in his own house. who knows why. it's a movie a thriller. the movie ends not the way expected. everything turns out fine.
wait that's a false ending. now the man hurries his son out of the house and the house explodes dramatically behind them.
dreams speak for themselves.
in the morning i go outside.
i see my friend the oak.
i feel hello in my heart my heart hellos back.