Day Six. October 20th. Six of Pentacles.

I am a day behind. I will try to catch up.

Definition: Waite says it’s about gifts and generosity to those who need it from those who’ve succeeded.

Detail: So, what is the Elsewhere Tarot presenting?

Geez. It’s a building with the roof blown off and either smoke or flames rising from it. There’s a long-haired human figure facing away from us standing at a bathroom sink with dark liquid overflowing it and out across the ground in winding trails that each end in flames, except one that ends in a hand on the far side of the building. The figure is looking at a mirror on the wall of the building, which has a dark hand print on it. So… Y’know, I really feel this is the same person as the one on the prior card who was looking out the window. But what the hell is going on. So much blood. Lifeblood flowing away, but still alive in a way. Those flames. Six of them. Not what you’d expect from pentacles. I think maybe it means the life commodified by pentacles as coins is powerful enough to escape its commodification. In the prior card the long haired person in the window was looking out at the temporal world. Here they’re looking into themselves.

Day: So, how does this card inform where I'm at in my life today? I think it’s saying something about the power of the interior self that I’ve been feeling myself playing journaling games, and how the interior self is an uncanny threat to the contrived, deathly, material world.

Discovery: So yeah, Waite says the RWS Six of Pentacles is about charity. And with the scales suggesting equitable distribution. But it’s still not fair, is it. The man doing the redistribution is clearly still way better off money-wise than the recipients. I don’t know. I’m not seeing a connection between the RWS card and the Elsewhere card. I think Pamela’s Pentacles are about all the challenges of money from her own lived experience, and it continues with the later ones. With the Elsewhere Pentacles, I’m feeling from card to card it’s wanting to tell a narrative of the metaphysical essence of Earth/self/life contending with its commodification and maybe overcoming it? I hope so. What a great narrative it could be.

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