Apple ]|[

The Bad:

“Computers are bicycles for the mind.”

~ Steve Jobs.

The Good:

The Beautiful:

“I have something to say. It's better to burn out than to fade away.”

~ Kurgan, “Highlander”

You already got Trillions, Apple. Use financial and social capital well instead of squandering it with hesitation and short-term greed. You can already afford 16942 healthy, tasty meals every day, unlike most people on this planet.

Please be a Super Nova, not a Black Hole, Apple.

To prepare for a year, plant rice. To prepare for a lifetime, plant a tree. To prepare for many lifetimes, educate the young ones.

~ Chinese proverb.

Apple should go all out and release the full source code to all their software ( not just Darwin ) under the GPL.

Apple has already been involved in education with its eMacs. Now Apple needs to use its remaining design acumen to become a leading producer of Free Educational Software for students of all ages.

When you use an Apple computer, it will explain its workings. It will encourage you to play with the software, improve it, share the improvements, feel the joy of sharing, and score bragging rights too.

Apple is the gateway to the Hacker Hippie Gift Culture of the two Steves' roots.

You can tweak the OS, and all applications, and Apple will provide Free Software to facilitate that interactive learning process.

Apple computers have 3 modes:

1. User mode: Users will have to make as few decisions as possible. The interface will be very simple and streamlined.

2. Expert mode: Expert users will be able to tweak configuration parameters using an advanced UI, create themes et cetera.

3. Dev mode: Developers will be able to edit the source code of applications and of the OS itself. If OS modifications cause the system to break or malfunction, a fallback to the last known good OS image will be provided.

Ashwin Dixit