The Mud Drowned Palace: Servants’ Balcony
#Dungeon23 (week 1 / day 7)
A stained glass double door opens on the ruins of a balcony, almost completely buried. Many circular tunnels of various sizes bore through the earth. Sturdy roots woven through the soil keep it all from collapsing.
Roots: when cut a thick white sap squirts out. It's sticky. When dried it holds as glue. The only way to dissolve it is to burn it. Cut too many and the tunnels will cave in, blocking the entrance from the servants' hall.
Tunnels: Labyrinthine. Some are small, some are large, all are dangerous. You can hear the sound of running water somewhere down there. There is a 2-in-6 chance to attract a maw while moving through. There is a 1-in-6 chance every turn to find the way to the large worm hole.
Worm hole: a huge hole, 2m in diameter, going straight down through the earth (to the underground lake in the ruined complex). there is a 1-in-6 chance the Maw Mother will appear every turn.
Maw: HD 1, AC 11, Morale 10, Attacks +1 bite (d6) Numbers Appearing: solitaire
2-in-6 chance of surprise underground: they tunnelling in from unexpected directions.
An unholy mix of earthworm and lamprey. Completely blind, hunts by vibrations. Attacks anything that move. Always hungry.
Maw Mother: HD 6, AC 13, Morale 10, Attacks +6 bite (d10+1, swallow whole) Numbers Appearing: unique
Swallows a medium creature on a roll of 19-20. while swallowed: d8 damage each turn.
Completely blind, hunts by vibrations. Can be soothed by music.
Rumbling earth announces her coming. 9m long, 2m wide. The queen of the toothy annelids, in all her glistening grace. Run for your lives.
Her long ivory teeth will fetch a small fortune on the right market (200 gold coins)