For the record

The author hereby submits the entirety [1] of what was until now my personal blog into the novel Planet B [2]:

Edited to Add This story is becoming very much extra experimental. The posts that precede this one were moved. Experimental is how my life/society works. [1] (Also see Notes in following post.)

※ [1] For now. My mind remains active until I die! Change for the better is integral to enjoying life. [2] Yes I am aware that I spell it sometimes B and sometimes Be and sometimes B(e). I like confusion for now. And yes I am trying out the feeling of calling this project, “a novel.” The name it goes by in my mind is, “my story.” Maybe sometimes I'll call it a novel, a book, a saga, a story, a rough draft, a movie, a blog... Who knows all the forms it could take. For now it is a record. This blog format permits me to add photo, video, and audio, as well as links.