World Neverland Lore
(Post from my other blog becaus f Wix – 6 july 2023) It's best to look at this article on its original site, to get the correct layout.
I'm very interested in the worldbuilding of the World Neverland games (so #WorldNeverland and for you @[email protected]). Of course, it would have been so much easier if all the games were available in a language I could understand. Unfortunately, only the latest instalment, Elnea Kingdom, is in English. The others have never been translated and are only available in Japanese.
So, in order to satisfy my thirst for knowledge about the games' universe, I set myself the difficult (cough) task of translating the various pieces of lore from these other games.
So, armed with the Internet Archive, and Deepl, here we go!
🎕 So... What to do ?
On this first part of the research that I'm sharing (because otherwise it's no fun, of course), I concentrated on translating the parts of the text, available on the biginning of the trailers available on youtube, into English.
DISCLAIMER : Of course, I'm not fluent in Japanese and English is not my mother tongue, so some of the information I'm assuming may not be correct.
🎕 The Orelud Kingdom
If you want to see the video, you can click here
Japanese | English (thanks to Deepl) |
夜明けを告げる鐘の音とともに、船を出そう | With the sound of the bell that heralds the dawn, let's set sail. |
開こえる声は遠くなっても、いつでも歌える忘れることのないあの縁の響きで | The voice that opens may be far away, but we can always sing with the echoes of that unforgettable bond. |
にの地は我らの家である | The land of the second is our home. |
光よ 霧を払い全てを照らせ | O light, dispel the mists and illuminate all things! |
生ける者の光に包まれたこの地に | In this land surrounded by the light of the living |
川を空を緑を、我らの種を植えていこう | Let rivers, skies, and greenery be planted with our seeds |
種は芽吹き、ここから満ちていく | The seed sprouts and fills up from here. |
初めの人 バスよ お前たちがこの地を治めよ 龍と共に、 全ての自然と共に |
O Bath (Bas), the first man! You shall rule this land. With the dragons, With all nature |
我らはアレフの彼方で夢を見よう | We dream beyond the alephs (beyond Aleph). |
人よ、この地と共に生きよ シズニよ、 常に人と共にあれ 時の砂が落ちてしまうその時まで |
O man, live with the land. O Sithni (Shiznee), always be with man. Till the sands of time fall away. |
From the way it's written (or at least translated) it looks like a text honouring Bas and Shiznee. Aleph is also mentionned. Dragons are also mentioned. I'm of course using the names located in Elnea Kingdom.
In any case, it shows that the information given in the library in Elnea Kingdom ( darn, I named it EK, too long to write otherwise) about the past of this universe is true. Or at least known in the Orelud Kingdom (OK).
🎕 The Wactic Republic of Pluto
To see the vieo, click HERE.
Japanese | English (thanks to Deepl) |
生ある着に光をともし生ある着に命堂をあえる | Let there be light in a living garment, give life to the living, and give life to the dead. |
この地が紋らの家ならば | If this land is the home of our crests |
すべての者が象たれ | If this land is the home of our crests, then all men are elephants. |
入よ 宴を尊びえ地を愛でよ 疲ら都種が健やかに満ちてゆこう |
Enter, enter! Honour the banquet, love the land Let us be filled with health and vigour, we who are tired and we who are tired! |
龍よ この地を様ク藤しめ 入のそばに後みながら |
O dragon! Let this place be like a shrine I will follow you near the entrance. |
ワクトよ この地を格め すべてを知り丞くせ あまねくえ地に宿ながら |
O Wakto! Let this land be known. Know all things. While I dwell in the land of the many |
鉄らはアレフの彼方で待っている まある者がえ地と去に李日を |
The iron workers are waiting for you beyond the aleph The day when all the earth and all the people will be reunited. |
Unfortunately, I'm afraid the text here is too difficult (?) for deepl to translate... We do have Aleph resurfacing though, so that's cool. But other than that, it seams that to have more information from WRP, we will need to look into the game itself...
Could the iron workers be referring to the Nolems?
🎕 The Waneba Island/Hamoa Islands
To see the video, click HERE.
Japanese | English (thanks to Deepl) |
アッカデ海の南に浮かぶ小さな諸島 | Small islands in the southern Akkadian Sea (Akade Sea). |
人と動物が幸せに暮す幸せの国 | Happy country where people and animals live happily together. |
その小さな国をハモア王国と呼ぶ | We call that little country the Kingdom of Hamoa. |
ハモア国は本島のポ回島を中心に大つの諸島を持っている | The State of Hamoa has a large archipelago centered on the main island of Pokai. |
パツア、 ネイ、マカカ、ㇴーサ、タピ、チアチ、これか六専の呼び名である | Baja, Nei, Makaka, Nûsa, Tabi, Chachi; these are the names of the six islands. |
オポロ専には展技場や舞踏場かあり多くの人が集まっている | On Oboro Island, competitions are held to train and compete with the animals you keep. |
未諾島は電かな自終に恵まれ、動物育成に適した島とな ている | The island is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, making it suitable for breeding animals. |
オポ回島では飼っている動物を訓練し。競わせる大会が開催される | Opo Kai (Pokai?) islands train their animals. Competitions are held for them to compete. |
変島には大会に備え動物を前練する施も整っている | In preparation for the competition, the main island also has facilities for training animals! |
各島には港があり、オホロ島と船で行き交っている | Each island has a port and ships come and go with Oboro Island. |
のどかな田園と静かた海岸線 | Idyllic countryside and a quiet coastline. |
六諸島は多くの自然を残している | The Six Islands retain much nature. |
人と動物はこの恵まれた自然然の中で今日も幸せに暮している | People and animals live happily today in this blessed natural environment. |
This text shows that Waneba is in fact the Hamoa islands, which is referenced in EK. So I would refer to WK as HI :S
There are seven islands in Hamoa Islands or six, i don't quiet understand here. But when i will play the ame, i will surely understand better... Oboro(?), and the islands of Baja, Nei, Makaka, Nûsa, Tapi and Chachi. There is, however, the name “Oboro”, but I don't know which island it refers to.
There's also the Akade Sea, which confirms all the more that this opus is set in the Hamoa Islands.
There's also a reference to animals, but it's not very clear.
Here too, there is no reference to any religion, so no Shiznee or anything else.
🎕 The Nalulu Kingdom
To see the video, copy paste HERE.
Japanese | English (thanks to Deepl) |
遺跡と花と海の国、ナルル王国にようこそ! | Welcome to the Kingdom of Naruru, land of ruins, flowers, and sea! |
ここが1はパウマ海北回り新路の船で早ければ約2日。 | Here, 1 is about 2 days as early as possible by boat on the Pauma Sea (Bauma Sea) northbound new route. |
プルト井和国、ワ国、トパール王国、バイガー国、クルド二ア王国の沿声を経由してメルル王国に至リます。 | Pluto-Iwa (Waktic Republic of Pluto), Wa (?), Topal (Topāru ōkoku), Baigar, and Kurdonia via the voices along the Kurdonian Kingdom to the Kingdom of Merle. |
訓練大会 | Drill competition |
立身出世 | Success in life |
とても苦しい戦にいくじけそうになっ大時、青い龍がやってきて巨人の王子を助けまし。 | When he was about to fall in a very hard battle, a blue dragon came and saved the giant (nolem?) prince. |
龍と巨人と入はカを合わせて戦い、ついに記魔物大方を退治しまレ方。 | Dragons, giants, and Iri fought together and finally conquered the Ki Monsters. |
この後、巨人の王子は王様になり、龍の名前をつけた王国を作リました。 | After this, the giant prince became king and created a kingdom named after the dragon. |
巨人も人間も、二度と魔物が現れないよう、仲良く平和に暮らすようにないました。 | Both giants and humans are now to live in harmony and peace, so that demons will never appear again. |
当船はまもなくロークス島に着岸します。 | The vessel will soon arrive at Rorke's Island. |
In this trailer, just as we're naming the countries in the other games, we see a map of the world. Now that's cool ahah
We have the first appearance of a giant, or Nolems, in EK. There's even one named. The fact that they live on an island separate from the rest corresponds to the end of the legend of Shiznee in EK, where Nolems and humans become indistinguishable.
The great Ki Monster may be the Angelos in Elnea Kingdom...
However, the different countries are hard to define. Perhaps translating the map in the trailer would help define them better. Or refer to the different DLC/event (depending on the medium). But that's a topic for another post.
🎕 The Qukria Kingdom
To see the video, click HERE.
There's no interesting additional information in the trailer...
🎕 The Elnea Kingdom
Same as Qukria Kingdom, no texte and the trailer is in english...
🎕 Conclusion?
This is only the first part of my lore research, but even with only a machine translation of the trailers I've been able to get a better idea of the world of World Neverland.
However, there are still a lot of grey areas and interesting elements to analyse. I'm also going to put together all the information I've found in my files today.
Maybe next time I'll take a look at the map and the world of World Neverland.
Where I do some writing, Conlang, Knitting, and other hobbies ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
(To comment this article or interact with me :D aka @[email protected] )