World Neverland Lore Dive 3 : Qukria
as always : it is better to read in the original page.
Did you miss me?
A quick recap: I had a four-month course in a foreign language (which I wasn't fluent in) so I didn't have much time to devote to my research... I was able to do a little bit at a time in my spare time (which wasn't much, but it was good) and that's why there was a lot of time in between.
So, due to the reason given above, I haven't had time to start playing the old games (┳Д┳) but I have at least found some very interesting Japanese websites. For this article, I've only used 2/3 of them because the amount of information found is so great that I preferred to split it into several themes ahah
In short, I found someone who had tried to gather some metadata from Qukria. Before that, he was collecting information about the game Zehn Continent (I'll translate and compile that another time because the number of PAGES full of articles is just HUGE). On top of that, I got some pretty cool information about Qukria, but also about the world of World Neverland and also about the Carnet empire ( yeah... that goes a long way...)
I've also joined the Reddit and the Discord (the link is on Reddit). Don't hesitate to join, it's a great place to be!
In short, a lot of talk and little action.
DISCLAIMER: This is going to be a long article (at least longer than the previous ones). A lot of information will be given, so I'm afraid the article will be really LONG. “You are not prepared” said Illidan Stormrage and he's not wrong *le boug*.
To begin the article, here is a small image of the Kingdom of Qukria from the viewpoint of its South Tower:
Let's get started!
(so #WorldNeverland and for you @[email protected])
## Lesson at Qukria, the History
As we're as uneducated as a poor child in Qukria, I can see myself starting with this part. Step by step, we're going to translate each of the lessons (those with a link with history and see what we come up with.
leçon 1
Japanese | English |
1年目 13日 | year 1 day 13 |
今日は世界の歴史を学びましょう。 | Today, let's study the history of the world. |
カルナの森の遺跡についてで | Let's talk about the ruins of the Karnah Forest. |
カルナの森や遺跡の滝には壊れた建物やがれきがあります。 | In the Karnah Forest and the waterfall of the ruins, there are broken buildings and debris. |
このような大昔の生活の後を「遺跡」と言います。 | These remnants are called “ruins” and bear witness to ancient life. |
では、この辺りは大昔、どのような場所だったのでしょうか? | So, what was this area like in ancient times? |
実はいろいろな街を結ぶ道の集まる場所で、とても大きな街だったのです。 | In reality, it was a place where various roads connecting different cities converged, and it was a very large city. |
この街も、とてつもなく大きな「黄金の帝国」の街の一つで、 | This city was also one of the immensely large cities of the “Golden Empire” (another name for the Carnet Empire), |
帝国にはここのように大きな街や、もっと大きな街さえ無?にあったそうです。 | and it seems that there were even larger cities, perhaps even larger than this one, in this empire. |
そんな国がなぜ無くなってしまったのでしょう…? | Why such a country disappeared...? |
それはまた明日。 | We'll talk about that tomorrow. |
はい、今日はここまで。 | Yes, that's all for today. |
ah! A reference to the Carnet empire!
leçon 2
Japanese | English |
1年目 14日 | Year 1, Day 14 |
さて、昨日の続きです。 | Well, let's continue from yesterday. |
とてつもなく大きな国はなぜ無くなったのか。 | Why did an immensely large country disappear? |
大きな木は、中が腐って空っぽになり、大風で倒れることがあります。 | A large tree can rot inside, become empty, and fall during a strong wind. |
この国も同じように、本当なら良い国にするために働くはずの偉い人たちが | Similarly, in this country, important people who were supposed to work for making it a good country |
悪い人ばかりになり、「エッジの日」という大災害に倒れました。 | turned into bad people, and the country collapsed in a great disaster called “Edge Day.” |
ここにあった街も、エッジの日に大部分がなくなり、壊れてしまいました。 | The city that was here also disappeared for the most part on Edge Day and was destroyed. |
偉い人たちは何もせず、困っている人たちを見捨てて逃げてしまいました。 | The important people did nothing and abandoned the people in need to flee. |
そして「アンゲロス」という魔物が現れてもやっつけることができず、 | Even when the monster called “Angelos” appeared, they couldn't defeat it. |
こんにち「大崩壊時代」と呼ばれる長い戦いの時代が始まってしまいました。 | Thus began a long era of war called the “Era of the Great Collapse.” |
はい、今日はここまで。 | Yes, that's all for today. |
We have the reference of an “Edge Day”, which, if we refer to what we know about the story in Elnea Kingdom, can only refer to Carnet Day/Ethj Day. Carnet Day is the day on which Ethj opened the Gate of aben to the world and from which the Angelos come from... We also finally have a name for the period following this disaster: Era of the Great Collapse.
Leçon 3
Japanese | English |
15日 | Day 15 |
さて、昨日の続き「大崩壊時代」についてです。 | Well, let's continue from yesterday, the era of the “Great Collapse.” |
世界中に「アンゲロス」という魔物がたくさん現れて好き勝手に暴れ回り、 | Demonic creatures called “Angélos” appeared all over the world, wreaking havoc as they pleased. |
家も街も畑も森も、何もかも無くなってしまいました。 | Houses, cities, fields, forests—everything disappeared. |
残った人々や?たちも頑張って戦いましたが、魔物は強くてかないません。 | The remaining people fought hard, but the demons were too strong to defeat. |
しかし、戦う人々の勇気に心打たれた大天使ノーマが味方を与えてくれました。 | However, moved by the courage of the fighters, the archangel Norma provided them with assistance. |
それが「ノラム人」という巨人と、「バグウェル」という龍族です。 | These were the giants called “Noram”(Nolems) and the dragon species named “Bugwell.” |
こうして魔物は退治され、ようやく平和な日々が再び訪れました。 | Thus, the demons were eradicated, and finally, peaceful days returned. |
でも、街や国を再建するのはとても大変なことでした。 | However, rebuilding cities and countries was a very challenging task. |
There's a reference to Norma, accompanied by her giant Nolems (if we take the translation of Elnea Kingdom) and the Bugwells, which are a kind of dragon. This fits in well with what we know about this part of the story.
Lesson 4/5/6
This lesson is about the use of money, which is similar to Elnea Kingdom. and fish. Unfortunately, I don't know how to translate the names, but it's highly likely that the 'Zuwa Worms' and others are also part of Qukria lol
special 6: Appearance of Lada, their rudders, and Kokoi (?) that lay eggs ...
For the rest of the lessons that don't talk about the story, I'll just skip them.
leçon 7
Japanese | English |
23日 | Day 23 |
明日はこの王国の誕生日、「建国の日」です。 | Tomorrow is the kingdom's birthday, the “Foundation Day.” |
「勇者の公園」で恒例の「ダロスの速駆け」をやります。 | We will have the annual “Daruso Sprint” at the “Hero's Park.” |
勇者の公園を出発したら、お花畑まで走っていって花を摘みます。 | After departing from the Hero's Park, we'll run to the flower fields and pick flowers. |
その花を一番早く勇者の像に供えた人が一等賞です。 | The person who offers the flowers to the hero's statue the fastest will receive the first prize. |
勇者ダロスは悪い魔法使いからこの国を救った英雄です。 | Hero Daros saved this country from an evil wizard. |
一等になれなくても、心を込めてお花を供えましょう。 | Even if you don't win the first prize, offer your flowers with heartfelt sincerity. |
今日はしっかりと休養を取って、明日に備えてください。 | Take a good rest today to prepare for tomorrow. |
New location, Woohoo! and a “Daruso Sprint” party? always great to learn about the cultures of faraway countries!
AND the appearance of a new character! Daros, a hero who saved Qukria from the evil wizards!
lesson 8
Japanese | English |
25日 | Day 25 |
今日は歴史のお勉強です。 | Today, let's study history. |
前回のお話を憶えていますか? | Do you remember the previous story? |
「ノラム人」と「バグウェル」のおかげで戦いが終わったところでしたね。 | It was thanks to the “Noram” people and the “Bugwell” that the battle came to an end. |
この辺りも長い戦いで人が居なくなり、すっかり森に覆われてしまいました。 | In this area, people disappeared due to the long battle, and the place became completely covered by the forest. |
一番最初にやって来たのが、「ミラーハの使者協会」の魔導師です。 | The first to arrive were the sorcerers from the “Mirah's Envoy Association.” |
カルナの塔の力が悪用されないよう封印すると、森で暮らし始めました。 | They sealed the power of the Karnah Tower to prevent its misuse and began to live in the forest. |
あ、劇に出てくる悪い魔導師ゴドは、私たちの仲間ではありませんからね。 | Oh, the evil sorcerer Godo from the play is not our ally, just so you know. |
たぶん、もっと古い時代に森に住んでいた悪者だと思います。 | I believe he is a villain who lived in the forest in a much older era. |
Ah! After the battle against the Angelos, and Norma and her acolytes left, some sorcerers from Mirah's Envoy Association came to settle in Qukria! There was a Karnah tower, which was sealed by them. And Godo, an evil sorcerer, is wicked. Could this be the sorcerer Daros fought against?
lesson 10
Japanese | English |
5日 | Day 5 |
今日は「新年の儀」について勉強しましょう。 | Today, let's study about the “New Year Ceremony.” |
毎年1日に、ハールの庭園では新年の儀が行われます。 | Every year on the 1st day, the New Year Ceremony takes place in the Garden of Haar. |
新年の儀では、王国の守り神として大天使ノーマの像が建てられます。 | During the New Year Ceremony, a statue of the Archangel Norma is erected as the guardian deity of the kingdom. |
大天使ノーマは人々が困っていると助けてくれたり、 | Archangel Norma is said to help people in need and ward off various disasters to distant worlds. |
様々な災いを遠くの世界に持って行ってくれると言われています。 | That's why craftsmen carve the statue with heartfelt dedication for the people of the kingdom. |
ですから、工芸家は国の人々のために心を込めて像を彫るのです。 | Therefore, craftsmen carve the statue with heartfelt dedication for the people of the kingdom. |
そして、この日は国王陛下から新年のお言葉があります。 | And on this day, there are New Year's words from His Majesty the King. |
新しい像と陛下のお言葉に、きっと気持ちも新たになりますね。 | The new statue and the words of His Majesty will surely inspire renewed feelings. |
New location, Garden of Haar. A new custom is also presented.
lesson 11
Japanese | English |
6日 | Day 6 |
今年もギートの収穫が無事に終わったようですね。 | It seems that this year's harvest of Geet has safely concluded. |
今日はそんな大地の恵みに感謝する「フェルタの祭」についてです。 | Today, let's talk about the “Felta Festival,” where we express gratitude for the blessings of the land. |
フェルタは古くから伝わる豊穣の女神で、地母神とも言われています。 | Felta (Fertas) is an ancient goddess of abundance, also known as the Earth Mother. |
フェルタの祭は収穫の後の最初の休日、8日に催されます。 | The Felta Festival takes place on the first holiday after the harvest, on the 8th day. |
朝から水車小屋でフェルタに感謝の祈りが捧げられ、 | In the morning, prayers of gratitude to Felta are offered at the water mill. |
夕方の「大食いくらべ」のあと、皆で「豊穣ブレッド」を食べます。 | After the evening “eating contest,” everyone enjoys the “Abundance Bread.” |
昼には劇場で勇者ダロスの劇があります。精霊役の人を皆で応援しましょうね。 | At noon, there is a play featuring Hero Daros in the theater. Let's all cheer for the person playing the role of the spirit. |
We have the appearance of the deity Felta, who, if we refer to Elnea Kingdom, resembles the goddess Fertas (their names are also close!), both of whom are agricultural deities. We can assume that they are the same deity. Like Elnea Kingdom, Qukria also has a harvest festival, and at the end of the day there is a play with Davos...
lesson 12
Japanese | English |
7日 | Day 7 |
明日はフェルタの祭ですが、今日はもう一つの大きな祭りについてです。 | Tomorrow is the Felta Festival, but today, let's talk about another significant festival. |
ご存じの通り、毎年20日、1日中暗い日に催されるのが「星祭り」です。 | As you know, the “Star Festival” (Astral Day) is held every year on the 20th day, a day when it remains dark throughout. |
この日は空に浮かぶ月「エナ」が太陽「ソル」を隠すので暗くなるのです。 | On this day, the moon “Ena” floats in the sky and obscures the sun “Sol,” making it dark. |
1日中星が見えて、ワフ虫が舞って、とても美しい1日ですよね。 | Throughout the day, stars are visible, and fireflies dance, creating a beautiful atmosphere. |
大地の力が強い年は、聖獣「メギア」が姿を現すこともあります。 | In years when the earth's power is strong, the sacred beast “Megia” may appear. |
川辺の広場で稚魚を放流したり、誓いの丘でソルの復活を祈ったりする、 | Activities like releasing fry at the riverside square and praying for the resurrection of Sol at the Hill of Vows take place, |
復活と再生の象徴となる日でもあります。 | making it a day symbolizing resurrection and renewal. |
AH! Cool information from the second part of the dialogue: Star Festival, known in English as Astral Day, is also celebrated in Qukria. What happens during this festival is therefore a meteorological event taking place in the world of World Neverland and not just in Elnea Kingdom. This is consistent with the fact that it's an eclipse (the goddess Ena hides the god Sol etc.). Their sacred beast 'Megia' (as in Elnea Kingdom with Phomos?), appears on this day.
lesson 14
Japanese | English |
13日 | Day 13 |
今日は歴史のお勉強です。 | Today, let's study history. |
前回のお話は憶えていますか? | Do you remember the previous story? |
この土地に魔導師、開拓者、イスカ協会の集落ができたところでしたね。 | It was about the establishment of a settlement with magicians, pioneers, and the Isca Association in this land. |
さて、開拓が進んで人が増えてくると、争い事も増えるようになります。 | Now, as the settlement grows with more people, conflicts start to increase. |
それをまとめる人が必要ですが、皆の意見が割れて決まりません。 | A person is needed to lead, but opinions are divided, and a decision cannot be reached. |
そこで誰が適任か、神様にお伺いを立てることにしました。 | So, to determine who is suitable, they decided to seek guidance from the gods. |
皆で祈りを捧げたところ、高台に光の柱が立ち、シズニが現れたそうです。 | When everyone prayed, a pillar of light appeared on a hill, and it is said that Shizuni (Shiznee) appeared. |
シズニ教会はそのとき光の柱が立った場所に建てられたそうですよ。 | The Shizuni Church was built at the location where the pillar of light appeared at that time. |
There's talk of a new association: “Isca association”. From the description, it sounds like priests and priestesses. They worship Shiznee and have built a church where a pillar of light appears...
lesson 15
Japanese | English |
14日 | Day 14 |
さて、昨日の続きです。 | Well, let's continue from yesterday. |
シズニが現れたところからですね。 | Let's pick up from where Shizuni (Shiznee) appeared. |
シズニは口から光を吐いて、ソラスという若者を選び出したそうです。 | Shizuni (Shiznee) emitted light from its mouth and chose a young man named Soras. |
ソラスは働き者でよく知恵が回り、集落のまとめ役として力を発揮しました。 | Soras was hardworking and had good wisdom, playing a pivotal role in organizing the settlement. |
争い事は少なくなり、皆で力を合わせて道や農地や住宅地を造りました。 | Conflicts decreased, and everyone collaborated to build roads, farmland, and residential areas. |
皆が幸せに暮らせる住みよい土地になり、いまの王国の原型が出来たのです。 | It became a pleasant land where everyone could live happily, laying the foundation for the current kingdom. |
ソラスは人々に推され、国中が見渡せる高台でシズニから王冠を授かりました。 | Soras was chosen by the people and received a crown from Shizuni (Shiznee) on a high hill overlooking the entire country. |
このときソラスが、「建国の誓い」を述べたことから、 | At this moment, Soras spoke the “Oath of Foundation, |
この高台は「誓いの丘」と呼ばれるようになりました。 | leading to the hill being called the “Hill of Vows. |
New character: Soras, the king chosen by Shiznee to found the new kingdom of Qukria. The origin of certain places is explained.
lesson 16
Japanese | English |
15日 | Day 15 |
さて、昨日の続きです。 | Well, let's continue from yesterday. |
ククリア王国初代国王ソラスが戴冠しました。 | Soras, the first king of the Kukuria (Qukria) Kingdom, was crowned. |
森には魔物や悪者がいて、たびたび開拓地が被害を受けていました。 | The forest was inhabited by monsters and villains, causing frequent damage to the settlements. |
そこで王は開拓者を護衛していた人たちをまとめ上げ、親衛隊を作りました。 | To address this, the king gathered those who were guarding the settlers and formed a royal guard. |
そして王自ら親衛隊を率いて森に入り、悪者を退治したり、改心させました。 | The king personally led the royal guard into the forest, eliminating villains and persuading them to change their ways. |
しかし魔物は手強く、歯が立ちません。 | However, the monsters were formidable, and conventional methods were ineffective. |
王がそのことを相談すると、シズニは一握りの剣を王に授け、言いました。 | When the king consulted about this, Shizuni (Shiznee) gave the king a handful of swords and said, |
森に魔物の餌となるゲーナの樹があります。この剣で刈るとよいでしょう。 | “There is a Gena tree in the forest that serves as bait for monsters. It would be good to use this sword to cut it down.” |
言われた通りにすると魔物は力を失い、退治できるようになりました。 | Following Shizuni's advice, the monsters lost their power, and they could be successfully eliminated. |
So the king had to fight a Gena Tree, which gave strength to the monsters.
lesson 17
Japanese | English |
17日 | Day 17 |
今日は闘技場で催される試合について勉強しましょう。 | Today, let's learn about the matches held in the arena. |
まず、戦士になりたい人を選ぶ選抜戦が年代わりで3つ行われます。 | First, there are three annual selection battles to choose those who want to become warriors. |
例えば、親衛隊候補選抜戦で優勝した人が親衛隊員の候補になります。 | For example, the winner of the Royal Guard candidate selection becomes a candidate for the Royal Guard. |
親衛隊員の次の年は闘士、その次の年は魔導師を選ぶ選抜戦が催されます。 | The following year after becoming a Royal Guard is the Gladiator selection, and the next year is the Mage selection. |
そして4年目、白夜の年に、戦士が一堂に会する勇者決定戦が催されます。 | Then, in the fourth year, the White Night, there is a Hero Deciding Match where warriors gather. |
王国の12人の戦士で一番強い人が、栄光ある「勇者」の称号を受けます。 | The strongest among the 12 warriors in the kingdom receives the prestigious title of “Hero.” |
そして勇者となった人が、白夜の日にやってくるバグウェルと対戦します。 | The chosen Hero then confronts Bugwell on the White Night. |
これが戦士にとって最高の栄誉となる「龍?闘士の試練」です。 | This is the ultimate honor for a warrior – the “Dragon? Gladiator's Trial.” |
We interrupt the history lesson to talk about the arena. They have a White Night, just like in Elnea Kingdom. At the end they also face a Bugwell dragon, just like in Elnea Kingdom.
lesson 20
Japanese | English |
25日 | Day 25 |
今日は歴史のお勉強です。 | Today, let's study history. |
前回のお話は憶えていますか? | Do you remember the previous story? |
最初の王様、ソラス王がシズニに剣をもらいましたね。 | In the previous tale, the first king, King Soras, received a sword from Shizuni. |
神の遣いとして現れたシズニは王様に助言をしたり、 | Shizuni (Shiznee), who appeared as a messenger of the gods, advised the king and bestowed wisdom useful for people's lives. |
人々に神々の言葉や暮らしに役立つ知恵を授けてくれたりして、 | Shizuni (Shiznee) also provided the people with the words of the gods and practical wisdom for their lives. |
王国の発展に大変大きな役割を果たしました。 | Shizuni (Shiznee) played a very significant role in the development of the kingdom. |
そこで人々はシズニを祀る神殿を建てようとしました。 | Therefore, the people tried to build a temple to worship Shizuni (Shiznee). |
でも、生きてこの世にある者を崇拝することは神の教えに反することなので、 | However, worshipping those who are alive in this world goes against the teachings of the gods, so |
シズニは人々をいさめ、正しい神の教えを伝える教会を建てるよう言いました。 | Shizuni (Shiznee) admonished the people and instructed them to build a church to convey the correct teachings of the gods. |
It seems that the people of Qukria wanted to worship Shiznee, but she didn't want to and instead they have a temple to teach the good word of the gods? I imagine that when she talks about “those who live in this world” she's talking about gods who don't live in Aleph? At least that's what I understand ^^'
lesson 21
Japanese | English |
5日 | Day 5 |
今日は神官と呼ばれる人たちについて勉強しましょう。 | Today, let's study about the people called priests. |
この国には教会のシズニ神官と、闘技場のアスター神官がいますね。 | In this country, there are priests of Shizuni (Shiznee) in the church and priests of Asta in the arena. |
シズニ神官はシズニの遺した神々の教えを守り伝える人です。 | Shizuni (Shiznee) priests are individuals who uphold and pass on the teachings of the gods left by Shizuni (Shiznee). |
結婚式や葬儀といった、人生の節目の大事な儀式も取り仕切ります。 | They also officiate important life ceremonies such as weddings and funerals. |
アスター神官は正義と公正の神アスターの導きで様々なことを裁きます。 | Asta priests judge various matters guided by the justice and fairness of the god Asta. |
代表的な仕事は試合の判定ですね。 | One of their main tasks is judging competitions, particularly matches in the arena. |
神官は役目を終えるときに神の導きに従って後継者を指名します。 | When priests complete their duties, they follow the guidance of the gods to nominate a successor. |
後継者はこの国の独身の男性から選ばれます。 | Successors are chosen from unmarried men in this country. |
A new god, Asta, the god of justice, appears in the arena. Only unmarried men can be successors? They are in charge of judging, like a court, and judging arena fights in particular.
lesson 21
Japanese | English |
6日 | Day 6 |
今日は乙女と呼ばれる人たちについて勉強しましょう。 | Today, let's study about the individuals known as maidens. |
水の乙女とも呼ばれるイスカの乙女は、聖イスカ教会の神殿に住んでいます。 | The maiden of Iska (Isca), also known as the Water Maiden, resides in the temple of the Holy Iska Church. |
普段は豊穣のリースや、子どものためにぬいぐるみなどを作っていますが、 | She usually creates wreaths symbolizing abundance and plush toys for children, but... |
新しい命が産まれるときは、その家を訪れていろいろな手助けをします。 | ...when a new life is born, she visits the household and provides various forms of assistance. |
?の乙女とも呼ばれるカルナの乙女は、カルナの塔に住んでいます。 | The maiden of Karnah, also known as the Maiden of the ?, resides in the Karnah Tower. |
普段は水の乙女と同じように、星のリースやぬいぐるみを作っていますが、 | Like the Water Maiden, she usually creates wreaths adorned with stars and plush toys, but... |
死出の旅に出る人があると立ち会って、祈りを捧げてくれます。 | ...when someone embarks on a perilous journey, she attends, offering prayers. |
神官と同じく神の導きに従って、未婚女性から後継者が選ばれます。 | Similar to priests, successors are chosen from unmarried women following the guidance of the gods. |
Ah, so the Isca association is the female counterpart of the Asta priests. The appearance of a goddess named Isca? Perhaps a goddess linked to childbirth? They are also called the water maidens and reside in the Holy Isca Church. They are responsible for helping and welcoming babies into the world. There is a similar maiden in the Karnah Tower, but no name has been given to her? ((We'll have to play the game to see what it's all about. ouch They are chosen from among unmarried women.
lesson 22
Japanese | English |
7日 | Day 7 |
今日は結婚と葬儀について勉強しましょう。 | Today, let's study about marriage and funerals. |
結婚は愛する二人が新しい家族を作る、とても大切な儀式です。 | Marriage is a very important ceremony where two people in love create a new family. |
家族から離れて新しい家に移り、そこで子どもを作って育てます。 | They move away from their families to a new home, where they raise children. |
結婚式はフェルタの祭が終わる9日から16日の間に教会で行われます。 | Marriage ceremonies take place in the church between the 9th and 16th days after the Felta Festival. |
王家の結婚式は別で、最初の王様の結婚記念日にあやかって4日に行われます。 | Royal weddings are separate and take place on the 4th day, emulating the first king's anniversary of marriage. |
これに対して葬儀はカーノスに旅立つ人と別れる、とても悲しい儀式です。 | In contrast, funerals are a very sad ceremony where people bid farewell to those embarking on a journey to Karnos. |
葬儀はカルナの乙女が旅立ちを看取ったあと、墓地で行われます。 | After the Maiden of Karnah witnesses the departure, funerals are held at the cemetery. |
王様の結婚式や葬儀が行われる時は、外国からお客さまがお見えになります。 | During royal weddings and funerals, guests often come from foreign lands. |
The maiden of Karhnah is responsible for verifying the death of a person. Weddings take place during a given period of time after the Fertas Festival. Only royal marriages take place on the 4th day, to honour the marriage of Soras. At such weddings, guests from neighbouring countries arrive (logical, you might say). The dead go to Karnos?
lesson 24
Japanese | English |
13日 | Day 13 |
さて、ククリア王国の歴史のお勉強です。 | Now, let's continue our study of the history of the Kingdom of Kukria (Qukria). |
前回は王国が誕生して、シズニ教会が作られたところまででしたね。 | Last time, we covered the birth of the kingdom and the establishment of the Church of Shizuni (Shiznee). |
シズニの広めた神々の教えのおかげで、王国は平和で穏やかでした。 | Thanks to the teachings of the gods spread by Shizuni (Shiznee), the kingdom enjoyed peace and tranquility. |
ソラス王はやがて歳を取り、ガーノスへ旅立つ日がやって来ました。 | King Solas eventually grew old, and the day came for him to embark on a journey to Ganos (Karnos). |
後事を託されたシズニは王の息子クラウを新しい王に選びました。 | Entrusted with the aftermath, Shizuni (Shiznee) chose King Claus, the son of the king, as the new ruler. |
クラウ王は聡明で剣の腕も立つ、とても優れた王様でした。 | King Claus was highly intelligent and skilled in swordsmanship, making him an excellent ruler. |
新王の治世を見届けたシズニは、やがて神々の世界へ帰って行きました。 | Shizuni (Shiznee), who witnessed the reign of the new king, eventually returned to the world of the gods. |
でも、そこでめでたしめでたしと終わらないのが歴史です。 | However, history doesn't always end with a happily ever after in the world of the gods. |
Soras is dead and his son, Claus, takes the throne at the behest of Shiznee, who, seeing that all is well in Qukria, returns to the world of the gods (Aleph?).
lesson 25
Japanese | English |
14日 | Day 14 |
さて、昨日の続きです。 | Now, let's continue from yesterday. |
しばらくは平和な日々が続きましたが、クラウ王の後を継いだフレイ王は生まれつき体が弱く、剣を振れませんでした。 | For a while, peaceful days continued, but King Frey, who succeeded King Claus, had a weak body and couldn't wield a sword from birth. |
ゲーナの樹を刈らなければ魔物は力を増していきますが、平和に慣れていた人々には強大な魔物に立ち向かえる力がありません。 | If the Gena Tree is not pruned, monsters will gain strength, but the people, accustomed to peace, lacked the power to face mighty monsters. |
イスカ教会の闘士とカルナの塔の魔導師に協力を取り付けると、フレイ王はたった一人、北の森に旅立ってしまいました。 | With the cooperation of the Iska Church's warriors and the Karnah Tower's magicians, King Frey set out alone to the northern forest. |
王がいない王国に、これまで見たこともないほど強大な魔物が現れました。 | In the kingdom without a king, incredibly powerful monsters appeared, unlike anything seen before. |
いったい王国はどうなってしまうのでしょう!続きは明日! | What will happen to the kingdom? Stay tuned for tomorrow's continuation! |
Claus's son, Fey, came to the throne, but he couldn't handle a sword. The gena tree took power and the people no longer knew how to fight. Nevertheless, Fey left with the fighters from the Church of Isca and the magicians from the Karnah Tower to fight the monsters... So far, nothing too incredible in terms of revelations.
lesson 26
Japanese | English |
15日 | Day 15 |
さて、昨日の続き、王のいない王国に強大な魔物が襲いかかります。 | Now, continuing from yesterday, powerful monsters attack the kingdom without a king. |
そのとき、王を背に載せたバグウェルが空から現れ、魔物に襲いかかりました。 | At that moment, Bugwell, carrying the king on its back, appeared from the sky and attacked the monsters. |
王が北の森の中に住んでいたバグウェルを説得し、協力を得たのです。 | The king persuaded Bugwell, which lived in the northern forest, and gained its cooperation. |
剣を振れない王が、その知恵と勇気と誠実さで最初の龍騎士になったのでした。 | The king, unable to wield a sword, became the first Dragon Knight with his wisdom, courage, and integrity. |
その後、イスカ教会とカルナの塔は王国の一員となり、重要なことはそれぞれの代表者を招いた会議で決めることになりました。 | Subsequently, the Iska Church and Karnah Tower became part of the kingdom, and important decisions were made in meetings with their respective representatives. |
また、龍は王国の護りを引き受け、人々が油断しないように白夜の年に戦士の代表の技量をはかりに来ることになりました。 | Additionally, the dragons took on the role of protecting the kingdom, and to ensure vigilance, they began assessing the skills of the warrior representatives every White Night. |
A Bugwell appeared and helped Fey fight the monsters in the town. Fay became the first Dragon Knight. The Church of Isca and Karnah Tower joined the kingdom and everything. In a way, White Day is a way of continuing to train people so that they don't become weak again in the face of monsters ¯(°_o)/¯
lesson 27
Japanese | English |
17日 | Day 17 |
今日は円卓会議について勉強しましょう。 | Today, let's study about the Round Table Conference. |
親衛隊、イスカ教会、カルナの塔、農場管理番からそれぞれの代表を招き、 | Representatives from the Royal Guards, Iska Church, Karnah Tower, and Farm Management are invited, |
国王陛下の前で国の重要なことを話し合って決めるのが円卓会議です。 | and they discuss and decide important matters of the kingdom in front of His Majesty the King in the Round Table Conference. |
円卓とは丸いテーブルのことで、全員が同じ立場である事の象徴です。 | The Round Table is a symbol of equality, where everyone has an equal position. |
会議は毎年3日、15日、28日にお城の円卓の間で開かれます。 | The conference is held every year on the 3rd, 15th, and 28th in the Round Table room of the castle. |
代表者がその日話し合う内容を提案し、多数決で決められますが、 | Representatives propose the topics for discussion on that day, and decisions are made by majority vote, |
意見が割れたときは国王陛下がどちらか決めることになっています。 | but when opinions are divided, His Majesty the King decides between the options. |
提案がない日は国民から寄せられた投書が取り上げられます。 | On days without proposals, letters from the citizens are considered. |
Not much to say, apart from the Round Table Conference, which brings together the various powers of the Kingdom, as with Elnea Kingdom.
lesson 29
Japanese | English |
3年目 | Year 3 |
22日 | Day 22 |
今日はゲーナの魔獣について勉強しましょう。 | Today, let's study about the magical beasts from Gena. |
ゲーナというのは悪い障気の集まった異世界のことです。 | Gena refers to another world filled with negative energy. |
魔獣は森の動物などがゲーナの障気を吸って変化した物と言われています。 | Magical beasts are said to be creatures transformed by absorbing the negative energy from Gena, affecting forest animals. |
ゲーナの樹はゲーナから染み出す障気のかたまりで、魔獣の力の源です。 | Gena's trees are clusters of the seeping negative energy from Gena, serving as the source of magical beast power. |
ゲーナの樹は国王が持つソラスの剣でなければ刈り取ることが出来ません。 | Gena's trees can only be cut using the Solas sword possessed by the king. |
魔獣は地母神フェルタが与えてくれた豊穣の力を奪うので、 | Magical beasts steal the fertility power granted by the Earth Mother Goddess Felta, |
私たち戦士は魔獣が国に入ってくる前に退治する任務を与えられています。 | and we, as warriors, are tasked with exterminating them before they enter the country. |
皆さんはあまりカルナの森には行かないように気をつけて下さい。 | Everyone, please be careful not to go into the forest of Karna too much. |
I haven't said so far, but it's highly likely that the Gena is also the Gate of Aben in Elnea Kingdom.
lesson 30
Japanese | English |
25日 | Day 25 |
今日はククリア王国の歴史を学びましょう。 | Today, let's learn about the history of the Kingdom of Cuklia. |
フレイ王がバグウェルや皆の力をまとめあげ、現在の王国の姿を作りましたね。 | King Frey gathered the power of Bagwell and everyone, shaping the current form of the kingdom. |
ちょうどこの頃には諸外国も同じように発展し、交易も活発になりました。 | Around this time, other countries also developed similarly, and trade became more active. |
フレイ王の後を継いだアイネス女王は外交や交易に積極的で、 | Queen Ines, who succeeded King Frey, was proactive in diplomacy and trade, |
デヴォン地方の石材やワクト地方のタル石をお城の再建に用いたりしました。 | using materials like stones from the Devon region and tar stones from the Wacto region for the reconstruction of the castle. |
ほかには、たとえば皆さんがよく知っている「ニゴ」という野菜ですが、 | Additionally, for example, a vegetable known to everyone as “Nigo,” |
この頃に外国から持ち込まれた野菜を改良して作られた物なんですよ。 | was developed during this time by improving vegetables brought in from foreign countries. |
その後も何人もの王様や国民が努力を続け、今の王国の姿が作られました。 | Afterward, many kings and citizens continued their efforts, shaping the kingdom into its present form. |
King Fey's daughter, Ines, collected fruit from the Devon Region and stones from the Wacto Republic of Pluto (?) to build the kingdom as it is now.
And so?
Here's an overview of Qukria's history through the lessons. It's very interesting all the same. I haven't mentioned the other lessons about places or fruit and vegetables, though. That's for a future Deep Dive.
Qukria: Work-wise?
In terms of work, we have some information from the Japanese Wiki. I'm not going to talk about the technicalities of calculating salary points, as it's pretty much the same as in Elnea Kingdom.
A craftsman has several levels: apprentice craftsman → ordinary craftsman → skilled craftsman → great craftsman → legendary craftsman, who, depending on the level, earns more or less poms (Qukria's currency)
On the first, 27th and 30th day of the year, they have a special event.
They look after the Cocoï (equivalent to hens? because they lay eggs) and the lada (our rudders? because they produce milk).
They have several special days, such as – Day 5: Harvesting Oats – Day 6: Transporting Forage – Day 7: Making bread for a bountiful harvest – Day 8: Preparation for the grand festival – Day 23: Transportation of fertilizer – Day 25: Sowing wheat seeds (Note that this is similar to the farmers' calendar in Elnea Kingdom)
Knights / Warriors
There are three types of Knights: – the SS, – the fighter – the mage
Otherwise, it's the same as Elnea Kingdom, with specific in-game and META rules for the game itself.
Priests and Maiden
Same as the priests in Elnea Kingdom, they have to be single. There's no more information in the wiki.
King/ Queen
Apart from more META information, the King or Queen have no different speciality in Elnea Kingdom. The first child, the dauphin, inherits the throne when the sovereign dies. They can't have other jobs, but they can take part in activities such as fishing.
I haven't found any groupings or information on animals yet, but I did find a web page with various images of monsters found in Qukria Kingdom.
Topography of Qukria Kingdom
According to what I've found, here's a summary of what's in Qukria: – Temple of Isca to the west, which is on Phraida Falls, in the forest of Fey. – Inside, there's a Spirit Tree. – To the north, this is sacred land. – At the foot of the Hill of Vow mountain, there is a church, a school and a dojo. – At the centre of the kingdom is the royal castle, and a place that tells the royal story. – There is a market and fields. – There are places of culture and entertainment, such as the Gardens of Harl, Theatre, and Fertility Square. – Across the kingdom, there's the Phraida River – There are public baths and bars. – One tourist attraction is the Minari Tower (?) – The eastern part of the kingdom is full of mystery, with the Karnah Forest filled with Gena miasma. – There's also the Karnah Tower, in which there's a “room of knowledge” containing important information (to check out when I start playing lol) with a library waiting for us.
(When I've found a nice map to show all the places, I'll do it, but I haven't found it yet (and I'm a bit lazy too)).
Closing remarks
So here's a bit more information that I was able to find and transcribe into English.
As always, I know I'll have to play the old games at some point to be able to really transcribe all the info. I've already found out where and how to play them, now I just have to do it ahah
In any case, it was really interesting to find out about the history of Qukria, and I was also able to find out about Nalulu and Carnet Empire. I'll talk about what I found out about them in a future Deep Dive.
On that note, as always; if you've got any cool info to pass on, images, stuff or even if you've played the old games and you're prepared to transcribe it for us, don't hesitate! We'll love you with open arms ahah
Bye-bye! :D
(my sources : * * * )
Where I do some writing, Conlang, Knitting, and other hobbies ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
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