Why Republicanism?

Or put another way, if I'm attempting to create a republican system that, as you may have seen in my previous post, is essentially all progressive values... why not just support progressives? I guess because I'm a little absurd.

It's true though, I don't see progressives as enemies, and that is currently the direction I vote. However I think there is one area in particular where a progressive republican could differ from a progressive democrat: decentralization.

I believe that basic human needs should absolutely be enshrined in law as universal rights, as anyone with progressive values would agree. However, while these rights should be universal, I think it would be preferable that they be implemented through a diversity of means, by many kinds of institutions (except corporations, which have proven they shouldn't exist).

I also want to work on this project, because I think certain changes are inevitable, and that means some ideas should no longer have a home. Namely capitalism. If we can plant the seeds now, of a republicanism that categorically rejects capitalist ideology, it might hasten the day when society as a whole rightly recognizes it as the form of tyranny, and ever-present threat to all forms of democracy that it is.

In the future it will be normal to group capitalism right alongside monarchy, theocracy, and dictatorships – an ugly thing that we don't do anymore.

Is this an impossibly uphill battle? Probably, but what does it hurt to write, write, write? Besides, if conservatives can steal libertarianism from anarchists, wouldn't it be fun to take their words too? We all know how much they hate when everyone else redefines a word in a way they dislike.