Fuck the Van Vlecks

With all due respect and a sincere apology to the Van Vlecks

Who are the Van Vlecks? I have no idea. Their names sit in many places of honor at the museum that's closest to home. I am aggressively anti-capitalist, a true believer that the love of money is the root of all evil (the love of acquisition for its sake). I despise all manipulative marketing. The charity industrial complex is an impediment to progress. So yeah, those are my beliefs. So yeah, by the time I saw the name Van Vleck on the umpteenth inscribed surface umpteen times each, I began to think: Fuck the Van Vlecks! What would I have to pay for them to engrave that message on a brick?

Thus Fuck the Van Vlecks became an expression I use whenever I think about the astronomical benefit to humanity it would be if we would all STOP FELLATING THE WEALTHY.

By Rob Middleton who can be reached @[email protected] on Mastodon