Last Two Week's Hobbying
Didn't get all that much done the past two weeks so I combined them into one bigger post.
Separatist Army Basing
The basing on my Legion army is inspired by the grassy plains of Naboo as shown in The Phantom Menace; I figured green would contrast well against the greys and browns of the droids, and stand out compared to the other armies at my FLGS.
On the models that were primed silver or white, I covered the top of the base with Contrast Warp Lightning, as the first few B1 droids I based have white poking through gaps in the basing (this can be seen on the leftmost red squad B1).
The only other noteworthy thing I did was color the rims of the bases with a Posca paint pen rather than a brush. I highly recommend this, it saves a huge amount of time compared to brushing paint onto the rims.
Saurus Knights
With my collection of Contrast paints growing, I decided to finish some Seraphon I've had in a drawer unpainted for several years. They still need a bit more work, but they feel done enough to post about.
- Primed light grey using a cheap automotive primer I got from Harbor Freight.
- Blood Angels Red all over the mount's body
- Snakebite Leather for the saddle, ropes, and weapon handles
- Warp Lightning all over the saurus's body
- Terradon Turquoise on the raised rough scales of the saurus
- Retributor Armor for metals
- Abaddon Black on the spear blades, and eventually the claws of the mount
- Macragge Blue for feathers
Final Thoughts
I only have a couple more planned acquisitions for my Legion army, after that I'm going to move on to collecting Leagues of Votann for 40k. Once I pick that up, I should have much more frequent content.