Last Week's Hobbying: Droid Reinforcements
Got more droids on Black Friday and painted them up in time for my FLGS's miniatures day the following Sundays. Didn't have time to base them unfortunately, should be able to by next post.
Tactical Droid
Tactical Droids are awesome, highly recommend if you play CIS.
- Light grey primer. In retrospect I probably should have gone with white instead.
- Base coat Citadel Rakarth Flesh. This took a couple coats, and is where I realized that I picked the wrong primer.
- Layer on P3 Menoth White Base. This paint is very thin in my experience and I use it as a layer, contrary to it's name.
- Contrast Skeleton Horde all over. The tan seemed a bit flat and I figured this would give it some more depth.
- Menoth White Base again over most of the model. Overdid it with the Skeleton Horde and used this to clean it up.
- Even more Menoth White Base, this time as an edge highlight.
- Macragge Blue for the visor and other details. Macragge is a bit bright to be the proper Separatist blue, but it's what I've got and it's close enough.
- Army Painter Gun Metal on the stomach grill, eyes, and binoculars.
- Nuln Oil in the vents of the grill and all over the binoculars.
- Poke in some Yriel Yellow into the eyes.
B1 Battle Droids
I heavily leverage Contrast paints to churn out tabletop ready B1s, I lack the patience to properly paint 27 B1s. Unfortunately this squad of droids didn't get quite enough contrast because I painted them with insufficient lighting, eventually I'll get around to touching them up.
- White primer basecoat.
- Contrast Skeleton Horde all over.
- Abaddon Black on the rifle.
- Contrast on the shoulders for squad colors (so far I've used Ultramarines Blue, Blood Angels Red, and Warp Lightning).
- Yriel Yellow on the squad leader's head
- Gun Metal on the squad leader's binoculars.
Final Thoughts
I expect few painting posts over the winter, as that means poor weather for priming. However, I'm going to be starting a hex crawl D&D campaign at my FLGS in the spring, and will probably start posting about the construction and planning of my campaign binder.