Teaching Python to primary school students

Since the mid of Mai I'm part of a Verein or as it is more commonly known in the anglosphere a NGO that teaches technology and computer science to children free of charge and is aimed at families with a lower economic background.

I thought it would be quite interesting to write down some of my observations about and ideas on teaching in general, and teaching tech and basic programming skills in particular. Especially since my views on the goals of our work differ with the guy that founded the Verein. Where he sees our primary goal to get these kids into good schools and teach them skills that'll help them land a job in the tech industry later in life. I think that our main focus should be on teaching them skills they can use right away and get them tinkering on small projects. But more on that in a later blog post.

I'd like to also write how I plan the lessons to get feedback and discuss some of the sources I use albeit most of the people in the field probably already know them.

That would be all for now.