“Behold, I make all things new” – Rev 21:5

We affirm that God, with His infinite creativity, made all the infinite variety of creation, but paradoxically we expect Him to repeat his stories in the same way He did in the past.

If we look at the accounts of God's actions, we see that He doesn't repeat Himself: the plagues against Egypt only happened once; the Red Sea was opened once; in the book of Judges, each time the people were rescued it was in a different way; Saul's story is not the same as David's, which is not the same as Solomon's; each prophet is used to convey His message in a different way; Jonah, Jesus, and Paul face storms at sea with completely different outcomes.

God doesn't repeat His stories in the same way. The garden of Eden will not return; a community like the early Church will no longer exist in the same way; the breath of the Holy Spirit that propelled Paul and the first Evangelists will no longer blow in the same way.

God is THE creative creator, and He made us to be His co-creators; let's make new stories together.