Leia’s Music Picks.

Hi all,


I was driving to work today, listening to the college radio station I used to DJ at for years, and the DJ on at the time, Ellie, was talking about how one of the new songs was from one of her favorite bands. I’ve not heard her name before, but she has a strong radio presence, so either she’s a natural, or was just on a shift before that I didn’t drive during.

This reminded me of a thing we’re doing at the library. We have the teens back as school’s back in session. One of the tricks with that is many of us don’t really know them. Especially those that aren’t troublemakers. So as an attempt to learn more about them, we’ve instituted a “scavenger hunt” they’re given questions and told to talk to the various staff about them. When they’ve completed the hunt, they get a piece of candy. I’ve not been asked anything yet, but I have been thinking of my answers.

Anyway, this brings me to the topic of this article. What music I really like? To be quite honest, I haven’t really examined this since I was still Djing, shakes a fist at COVID for ending that and not my getting a full time job so it’s a good thing to think about.

If I’m listening to the radio, my dominant format preferences are Alternative, (Radiohead, Bowling for Soup, Hozier, Avicii, Ghost, etc.) or College, (a wider spectrum, but not “hits.” College usually plays B-Sides or music before it’s ingested by the mainstream,) but my actual preferences are far wider. Soundtracks, folk, metal, even some country and rap nowadays.

But these are ones that I can listen to front to back repetedly.

Also, sorry for the YouTube Links. I tried to get them elsewhere, but nowhere else seemed to offered these as embeds.

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Forever by Mystery Skulls (2014)

This is one of my favorite albums full stop. The individual tracks are good, but what really gets me is listening to it from first to last track. A CD in the car by yourself. The entire album as a pervading beat that eventually just pulses through you. Often I don’t pick up on that kind of thing. But what clued me into it was something that became popular on Tumblr back in the day:

Mystery Skulls Animated – “Ghost” (2014)

This is a fan-made music video telling it’s own story of a Scooby-Doo esque group going into a haunted mansion and the female lead being stalked by a ghost. There is a whole storyline out there now. I recommend the whole thing. The animation work gets better, but “Ghost” gets the credit for getting me into the band.

El Camino by The Black Keys

This is an album we played on the station I Djed at a lot. In particular “Little Black Submarines” and “Gold on the Ceiling”. I got this album for those songs, but the whole thing is worth a listen. What really got me was I was used to the Radio Edit of “Little Black Submarines” and playing the CD for the first time, I learned that it had been changed. Not for lyrics or anything, but to level the sound. There is a point where the song makes a shift, and while noticeable on the Radio, it gets significantly louder on the CD. To the point that I had it cranked up in the car singing along and the CD version about blew me out the windows.

I’ve never found any album of theirs sense that quite hit me the same way. But that’s how music seems to go. The ones that go with you the strongest are from your late teens through mid twenties and you’re rarely moved the same way after.

You probably know this band from being the opening song and closing song for Borderlands 2 “Short Change Hero” and “How Do You Like Me Now?” respectively. At first I thought the game was playing The Heavy, which has a very similar sound, but no.

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...I feel like I have more, but this is what I can think of at the moment. I’ll update this post and mention such on Mastodon when I do.

#Music #TheBlackKeys #MysterySkulls #MysterSkullsAnimated #TourmaListens #FavoriteMusic


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