On the Beginning of the End, or the End of the Beginning?

On Destiny year 10: The Final Shape

First: a new trailer just dropped:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNh1KBRluC0 (Cool, Youtube's Embed feature works in Write Freely)

I've got thoughts on what might happen in Year 10. Whatever happens, I hope it's worth the 10 years of buildup.

The Witness

This is an interesting one. I'm not sure how The Big Bad will go down. Will The Guardian succeed where the Traveler failed? We are good at killing gods after all. Or will we distract the Witness enough for the Traveler to pull a Ghaul on it? Or will we therapy them to redemption?

I've got no clue.

Sacrifice and Victory

One of the more interesting aspects of the past couple of years, is that most of our moves have been sacrificing pieces to remove theirs. Rasputin for power to Xivu Arath, Amada Holiday to save Misraaks, Eris the Hive God for Xivu Arath's connection to her Throne World...I wonder what we'll lose to see us through past the end?

The Dead and the Living


I wonder what's up with this. At the moment, he seems like the only one resurrected. So why him? I mean aside from the meta of using him to draw some of the playerbase back. That he's returned, only to see the end of everything sounds like it sucks. He seems rather despondent too. Which honestly is apropos.

There will be a lot fewer of everyone remaining after The Final Shape

A big Humpty Dumpty issue with many of the people on and around Earth.

Misraaks and Eramis don't make it out alive.

I've had this thought since the end of the Season of Plunder. For those who didn't play it, (I'll admit that it wasn't the strongest of seasons,) Misraaks coerces Spider to help them steal items of significance to the Darkness. Since there wasn't much plot, most of it's dialog fleshed out the Eliksni backgrounds. It turns out that Misraaks and Spider grew up together and that Misraaks was a violent shit until he found religion.

Eramis tells Eido this as she seems to feel that Eido is the future of the Eliksni. Misraaks feels this way too. Eido is hurt that Misraaks didn't tell her about his past and tries to reconcile the two, but is unable to.

With Misraaks and Eramis personifying their elements, (Misraaks the Light with new chances and new lives, and Eramis with remembering what's come before to try and not make the same mistakes,) they will come to a head again. Eido personifies both, (She does seem to believe in the House of Light's breaking of tradition and removing hierarchies, but is also a scribe, writing down the past to try and have a truthful record,) so I also feel she'll be the one to continue the Eliksni on.

My personal thought/hope with this is that the Witness pits Eramis against Misraaks, but they both realize that there is no future for the Eliksni after the Witness completes the Final Shape and they both try (and fail) to stop the witness. Or do something suicidal to get the Guardian to the Witness.

I don't think Zavala will make it out alive

This is in part a practical matter. With Lance Reddick gone, that would simplify having to voice Zavala. Keith David's good and I like him, and this definitely is not the first recasting of a character, but still. Reddick's Zavala has been the heart of the series for so long, it would be tough with someone else.

The other is that trailer. Zavala looks like the one most likely to crack. He has had a particularly hard row to hoe. As Season Therapy the Haunted showed, he is haunted by the loss of his wife and son. And (seemingly) to a lesser extent, all of those lost under his command. He was grief-stricken with Cayde's death too. I wonder how seeing him alive again will affect him.

My thought was Zavala seeing that he would not be able to resist the Witnesses bargain, would put a bullet in Targe and himself. A friend speculated that he would give in and become the raid boss, allowing us to fight the Witness as the end of the yearly storyline.

Caital is probably safe.

As the only named Cabal I can think of, they probably won't kill her off. Saladin might sacrifice himself for her though.


There are two sets that I think will either both live or both die. That's Mara Sov and Crow, and Osiris and Saint-14. Mara was upset at Uldrin's death, and with Crow's resurrection, but they seem a pair, if strained. That said, I could see Crow and Petra left trying to figure out what to do in the aftermath. I feel its more straight forward with Osiris and Saint-14. Both have had their grieving periods at the other being gone, so that likely won't be retread. They'll either both go or survive. Ana and Elise I'd wager will both live. They seem paired and Elise has to survive to know that her loop is broken.

I don't see Savathûn being much in The Final Shape

She'll come up when she wants to, and I'm guessing she sees that her involvement won't change the ending either way.


Will probably be fine. Like Savathûn, I don't see her directly being helpful against the Witness and moreso against Xivu Arath.

The Guardian lives

Heavy plot armor for the player character. We know they have more stuff to shoot with the chapters coming up.

What's Next?

On how the game will continue past the announced chapters. Light and Dark, The species we know, the Sol system itself have all largely been explored. The Vex and the Nine are the two big unknowns in my opinion. But could a whole new arc be made out of them? Will it be more addons, or Destiny 3? If 3, can I play as an Eliksni? Destiny's been a part of my life for a decade. I don't know what else I would shoot. Will we get a game more like what was intended a decade ago before Activision gave them a big pile of money for a Halo-killer? Or is Marathon it? Corollary, was there more planned, but Sony's job cuts fucked that up?

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