FAQ about myself
Q: Who are you? A: I am a loser with full of hate. Q: Don't be self-abasement, you are not a loser... By the way, you need to learn to love and accept others! A: No, I am a loser and I know it. I have no “passive income”, I don't own anything except car debt and college loan, I have never get a women/men/whatever to fuck at night, I am the women who was beaten up by “religious” police in afghanistan, the jewish guy in auschwitz, the palestinian in gaza, the japanese american in concentration camp, the jihad socialist in iran, the trotskist in china, cuba and russia, a random guy from north korea, a poor farmer in india, a black slave works in cotton field, an “indian” kid was kidnapped to the residential school, the female worker assaulted by the workshop manager, the gay in saudi arabia, the uyghur christian worker at Foxconn factory to make iphones. Yes, I know I am a loser, and too many people confirmed that to me based on what I just told you, they came close to me and told me “you are a loser”. I also know there are billions of losers like me. And I also know I will be “successful” one day, with the unification with all of other losers —– the proletariat, that's how we call ourselves, the storm of our hate will purge any kind of exploitation on the world, we will establish a world occupied by our red flags!