WHO and vaccines

Ask yourself, how many of our leftists brothers and sisters are supporting vaccine just simply because you don’t like Donald Trump? That’s Liberal’s brainwash and it worked, we unconscientiously stand together with Liberals and endorsed the pro-vaccine pharmaceutical giant behind them, and we are proudly tell ourselves “I, a highly educated college civilized student, support science and fuck all of you dirty white straight male workers Trump supporters!”. We keep tell ourselves again and again, “Donald Trump is a right wing Fascist, Donald Trump doesn’t like WHO or vaccine, so I need to support WHO and get myself ‘fully vaccined’ to show I belong to the left wing!”. All in all, “I support everything Donald Trump and his supporters don’t like, if you agree with any of those issues, you are a Trump supporter!”. This is so stupid and only one question is enough to beat them up: “Donald Trump eats foods, are you gonna eat shit to show you are a left wing?”, definitely not for me. I support whatever I suppose to, I don’t need anyone come and tell me “Hi you need to support this otherwise you are a Fascist”. Let’s take an example of WHO. The sectary of this organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, claimed “no evidence shows this virus will spread between human” in January 14, 2020. But they finally admitted the outbreak of corona virus is a Pandemic after millions of death, after 2 months at March 11, 2020. We should never forget, WHO is the biggest anti-mask promoter until April 2020, this organization claimed COVID19 won’t spread in aerosol. Actually, you just need to search Wikipedia and you will know how anti-science and anti-humanitarian WHO is. The truth is clear, you against Trump doesn’t justify your correctness. Why don’t people want to be vaccinated? They have doubt about the safety of the vaccine, they don’t trust those private companies. But Liberal believes it and call their Public relations manuscript science is because of they have deep interest bound with those big companies. FDA released a report that exposed thousands of side effects of Pfizer vaccine that solidly proved people’s concern is right. The root cause of all of these problems is Capitalism. The pharmaceutical giants are not going to make good vaccines, they only care about their own interest. We need vaccines, but we don’t need private companies. We should hold those companies accountable(at least), publicize their business secret and their intellectual property, turn them into worker-controlled, that’s the only way to solve the “vaccine issue”.