I would be bothered less by anti-American sentiment if people would correctly be against all imperialist nations.
And also stop conflating people with their governments. I am no more in control of the government that I have been forcefully assigned than you are of the one who wants to control every aspect of your life.
I am an individual. I did not choose where I was born. But that does not mean I ignore what the US's government has done elsewhere and how they have hurt so many. I try to recognise what privileges I gained as a person who happened to be born within the borders of the US, and I try to recognise how I might continue acting in ways supporting of imperialism and stop doing them. But I do not have the power to stop the US, especially as I do not live within its borders and have routinely had my own ability to participate within what little “power” I have denied to me (which is not power at all but a farce—electoralism is nothing more than those in power letting us pretend we have a say in anything).
But the US is not the only imperialist nation; it's just the one that you are more likely to be against because it is easier than recognising that states like Russia or China engage in many similar behaviours (or even better, being able to understand what is happening when all three nations genuinely align in agreement).
We should be against the US government(s) and their abhorrent actions everywhere, but we should also be able to maintain the same principles across the board. Being coherent really is simple.