field notes

commentary, documentation, observation, and studies from the field – things EYE see

intentional neglect, homeless pandemic instance in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

“This is not just Phoenix Arizona. Get up, stand up.”

I listened to a great podcast on todays walk about Ancestral Traditions with Jamee Pineda Healing Arts and Rebecca Mendoza Nunziato.

Lots of great insight and perspectives that you should already know. If you don't know this stuff, then give it a listen!

Slight drizzle dampens my evening walk, pleasant wafts of cedar, juniper, and fragrant blooms.

Working in public health and in messaging in particular, I have been watching this push in messaging from “we” to “me.” I've been watching as the left adopts Trump's strategy to stop testing so the numbers go down. I watched how they shifted the daily trackers from cases to hospitalizations so the maps turn green and everything is fine. I'd like to start taking this serious. I am tired of it too. Pretending it is over and engaging in “public health apartheid” is just prolonging it.

I began seeing a strong shift in January:

I remember soon after this started and relief efforts were underway, we began to talk about not “returning to normal” because normal was the problem to begin with:

Are we selling out to corporations and the politician henchmen?

Steve Kerr on today's tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

The war in Ukraine continues . . . Walking Ukraine's Destroyed Streets in War (beyond words)

Many people are documenting their thoughts and actions across various social medias.

“I am one of the 7 billion human beings alive today.”

From an early age I realized that this world is a strange place. Something was wrong and things aren't as most were pretending them to be. Life wasn't going to pan out according to accepted storylines would have me believe.

Stuck in a convincing human instance with odd memories of long ago. Random snippets of sight, scent, touch. Sometimes whole scenes with occasional pieces of advice people have shared along the way, except this time I see it more from their perspective. Kind of seeing how they saw me and the situation.

Various practices, experiences, and ponderances around death and dying. Synchronicities and resonances during the pandemic.

Health complications and medical system experiences during the pandemic.