Ilia's Notes


Skip the fancy perks – better staff wellbeing could be as simple as the view from the office window Yoga classes? Onsite gyms? Childcare? When it comes to employee wellbeing, flashy perks seem less attractive for workers than a more basic but often overlooked one: a window with a good view.

Not Everyone Has an Inner Voice Streaming Through Their Head The extent to which people experience “inner speech” varies greatly, and the differences matter for performing certain cognitive tasks (DOI)

From diagnosing brain disorders to cognitive enhancement, 100 years of EEG have transformed neuroscience Electroencephalography, or EEG, was invented 100 years ago. In the years since the invention of this device to monitor brain electricity, it has had an incredible impact on how scientists study the human brain.

House of the Dragon: if dragons were real, how might fire-breathing work? If dragons existed, what real-world biological mechanisms and chemical reactions might they use?

Pupil Dilation Reveals Better Working Memory People whose eyes dilated more performed better on tests of working memory. (DOI)

Measuring Body Language A large international and interdisciplinary research team has developed software to measure the objective kinematic features of movements that express emotions. (DOI)