Journey on the dark seas part 9

The crew on the ship stood in silence for a moment. Finally, Ella broke the silence and asked, “What just happened?”

Tom was still shaken up from the experience and replied, “It rained fire, and a voice spoke from the sky.” Erik remained silent for a bit longer before he said, “It told us to find some items to cleanse both the seas and the land. Does anyone remember their names?”

Ella remembered two of them: “A bowl of chaos and water of divinity,” she replied. Tom chimed in with another item he recalled: “I remember something about a stuff of eons.” Erik then said”And I remember the scroll of purification” and decided it was best to write down these items.

“But how are we going to locate these items?” Ella asked. Erik expressed his uncertainty as well, admitting that he had never heard of any of the mentioned items and questioned if they should even try to look for them, fearing it might make everything worse. They were all unsure why this information was given to them in the first place.

Ella pointed out how bad things already are with the black goo spreading rapidly. If not for the fire that had just rained down on them, they would have been destroyed by the surrounding goo. Which amde Erik wondered why it did not burn away all of the goo and get rid of it once and for all.

Tom suggested a possible reason: “Maybe because it would have burned everything else with it?” Ella agreed with this point and added that they do not know if it would just reappear since they don't know where it is coming from. Erik still had the main question on his mind, asking how they could find these items to cleanse both land and sea.

#fantasy #fiction #writing #adventure #magic #sea #darkwater #quest #itemquest