
What characterizes the learning process.

The learning process is characterized by intense intellectual strain. Information overload, precise visual work with a fixed line of sight at various requirements for color vision, high psychophysical load causes significant fatigue of students. In many respects it depends on the architectural solution of the spaces of classrooms and recreational areas. To comply with the rule of intervals in the perception of information (information saturation time and brief rest) are necessary: – Creation of a color field of visual rest (spatial background, more intense coloring of the wall opposite the board); – changing the environment during the day, increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex. The environment of rest (recreation) should be contrasted with the one that caused fatigue.

Contrast can be achieved by the shape and size of spaces, by the color and character of lighting, the texture and texture of wall surfaces, etc. The color climate of the entire room is of paramount importance for the well-being of the pupil. Particularly the role of color in interior in connection with the desire to resort to buy dissertations and then compensate for the monotony and simplified forms of standard samples of space, furniture and equipment due to the modern technology industrial methods of construction. Color as a component environment affects the performance of man.

Red color has a stimulating effect. Laboratory tests have shown that it makes people nervous person, makes you hurry, causes high blood pressure, accelerates the rhythm of breathing, increases sweating. That is why in school buildings this color can find a place and after except in the stairwells Orange causes joy, creates a feeling of well-being, but excites and quickly tires, although it stimulates mental work. If all the walls in a small room paint all the walls in a small room orange (or yellow), then a long stay in it a person will cause dizziness and nausea. Therefore, in its pure form orange can be used in places where children stay for a short time – in the staircase stairwell, in the recreation room, canteen, cafeteria. Children of primary school age love this color, so if orange is used in the classroom, it should be low-intensity, “diluted” (pastel).

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